This Sunday, Rabbi Tuvia Singer started his new lecture series at the "Israel Center (OU) in Jerusalem. Tuvia Singer is famous for bringing Jews who had converted to Christianity back to their Jewish roots and for discovering the lies of the church within the Christian New Testament.
The hall where he gave the first of a four – part lecture series was full and some people interested even stood outside in the hallway. Christians were also there and it was clear that some of them really wanted to hear what the original Jewish sources say.
Rabbi Tuvia Singer began with the American politician Pat Robertson who is a fundamental Evangelist who ran for presidency a few years ago. Tuvia Singer stressed that "fundamental" in this context stands for "sticking to one's religious roots and traditions".
Pat Robertson was once interviewed by a Jewish journalist who asked him if Jews not believing in J. would all go to hell. Robertson answered with a snag which the journalist didn't notice.
"If the Jews keep all 613 Mitzvot and don't sin, they will be saved because the keep the Mosaic law".
I admit that I am having serious difficulties understanding Christian ideology and expressions. Not only me but someone from the audience asked what this means "to be saved". Saved from what ?
"From the fire in hell", replied Tuvia Singer. It says in Christian sources that someone not believing would go to hell. He gave the exact sources but I must admit that I didn't write them down, as I am not interested in such crazy ideas and terminology. I just don't get such schizophrenic concepts which have absolutely nothing do to with Judaism but are only based on a Jew – hating Hellenist called the Apostle Paul.
Tuvia Singer said that Christianity doesn't believe that there could be any human being on this planet keeping the 613 Mitzvot. Only J. could do so and this is why people need him and thus will be saved. Christians are not bound to Mitzvot and just have to believe.
An easy lazy concept, isn't it ? Sounds great to me. I have nothing to do but only believe in a freaky hippie.
According to Judaism, Gentiles only have to keep the Seven Noachide Laws and not any Mitzvot given to the Jews. Furthermore, hardly any Jew is bound to the entire 613 Mitzvot because many of those laws concern the Temple services of the Cohanim (Priests). Other Mitzvot only apply to men and women are freed from them.
The false Meshiach J. was not a Cohen and thus didn't keep the entire 613 Mitzvot ! He was a human being and humans tend to sin. According to Jewish theology, every human being is able to do Teshuva (to repent). Without any J. as a medium, without any blood and all this stuff the church claims. The only condition you have to fulfill is regretting your deeds in a serious manner and try doing it better in the future.
After all this, the logical question is coming up, why G – d gave the Mitzvot if no human is able to keep them ?
The church developed a convincing idea which sounds stupid at the same time:
The Jews should look at all the Mitzvot and realize themselves that keeping all this impossible !
Why are particularly Jews vulnerable and convert to Christianity ?
In the days of Paul, many Jews living in Rome converted to Christianity and when Paul addresses his letters (Romans) then he is talking to those Jews who converted.
Rabbi Tuvia Singer made the claim that Jews with a low self – esteem are more vulnerable than others. J. was rejected by his own people and even by his family. If a Jew today is feeling rejected or in a crisis, he may look at J. and take him as an example.
My claim, however, is that many Jews have a total lack of Jewish education and identity. They want to be just as everyone else, intermarry and if the wife is a Christian, a whole future generation is gone. The children are not Jewish anymore.
Secular as well as reform Jews have no clue about Judaism and are widely not interested. The biggest mistakes those people make is thinking that any Orthodox Jews has to be haredi and live in Boro Park, Golders Green or Mea Shearim.
In order to get rid of intermarriage and Jews running away from their roots, those people should first try getting some Jewish education and then decide.
Tuvia Singer quoted Romans 3:20, where Paul says that those keeping the law are actually sinning. Nobody can get salvation only through himself but needs J. and the belief in him – according to the church. Here the church totally ignored the sentences in Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) 30:12 – 14.
Already in 30:11, G – d says that the law is understandable. In Devarim 29:28 it says that the Torah is eternal. Furthermore it says that all hidden things are for G – d. Meaning that only G – d knows the future and to us, this is hidden. No matter where Jews live, they are bound to the Mitzvot and to the Land of Israel (Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch in his Torah commentary).
The Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 43b teaches that every Jew carries the responsibility to keep the Torah. The Torah has to become reality within Judaism.
To be honest, Tuvia Singer's church quotes irritated me. Someone who knows the subject and is aware of various falsifications of the church may have it much easier but to me all this sounded just totally ridiculous. How can people believe this at all ?
In his days, Paul just changed the Torah content, put everything into his own words according to his fantasy and imagination.
I am not going into details but just giving a further brief example:
In Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 31:30 – 32, it speaks about a "new union". The church interpreted this as J. is coming and making a "new Brit". Wrong !
The truth is that this verse is talking about the future. It speaks about a union between the House of Israel and the House of Yehudah (Judah). This particular event hasn't occurred yet and will only happen in the messianic future when the TRUE Jewish Meshiach is coming.
Many Christians may feel offended while reading this. However, just check out everything yourself by taking an Artscroll Torah (Chumash) and comparing it to your Christian translation. Then you will notice all the mistranslations of Paul and the church. Mistranslations taking place on purpose because otherwise there would be too many obvious contradictions and Christians would get suspicious.
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