
Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Gimme a Shekel !"

The grave of Avraham Avinu in Hebron


I was just coming back from Hebron last Sunday afternoon and leaving the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem. Spiritually a little uplifted because I had never been to the graves of our forefathers in the "
Ma'arat HaMachpelah", I was in a great mood despite wearing a long skirt.
Nothing against skirts and a Jewish modest dress but … I am not a skirt type.
However, I went to the ancestors and wanted to make a good impression in front of Avraham, Sarah, Yaakov and Leah. The Hall of Yitzchak is only accessible for Jews during the high holidays of Pessach and Sukkot. Otherwise the Arabs are occupying the hall.

Unfortunately I didn't see the graves of Adam and Eve (Chava) who are also buried at the Machpelah. What I saw was a huge white door (locked by the Arabs) and a curtain hanging in front of it. This would be the entrance to Gan Eden (Paradise). Not the locked Arab door but somewhere behind, deep underneath the ground in a cave. Right next to the curtain there was a poster saying that "this is the place where the Neshamot (souls) rise up to the upper spiritual worlds". Rabbi Nachman of Breslov would say so in his "Likutei Moharan 17".

When I came out of Jerusalem's Central Bus Station, I crossed Jaffa Road and walked straight through a small alleyway. Somewhere else in my mind and deeply into thought, two Breslover Chassidim asked me for Zedakah (a donation) while passing their stand. I just kept on walking but then turned around and asked if they were from Rabbi Arush.

Rabbi Shalom Arush is a "big" Breslover Baalei Teshuva (Jews who became religious later in their lives) and a former student of Rabbi Berland (who has another Breslover Baal Teshuva movement).I am neither with one of those Rabbis, as they try too much selling themselves. However, it is a good thing what they started. Giving the newly religious a chance to study Breslover Chassides.

One of the two Chassidim turned around and said that they are actually Rabbi Berland's students. And then he went on and on about how the children are starving in the Berland Breslov community in the Arab Quarter (Old City) of Jerusalem. The Berland Yeshiva "Shuvo Banim" provides meals for its hungry students and I should make a donation of 55 Shekels (approx. 11 Dollar).
I told the Chassid to ask Rabbi Eliezer Berland himself for a donation and not me. The Rabbi demands 1000 Dollar for a private meeting with him.
First, the Chassid I spoke to was shocked about the fact that I knew but then told me two "spiritual" stories about what his Rav does with the money (the 1000 Dollar). Once a rich guy came to Rabbi Berland with a suitcase full of money. As far as I remember, the man was sick and asked for a healing prayer. Afterwards he told Rabbi Berland to take as much money out of the suitcase as he wanted.

"How much do you think my Rabbi took ?" the Chassid asked me.
"The whole suitcase ?" I asked.
"No, only 50 Shekels (approc. 10 Dollar)", the Chassid responded. "See my Rabbi is not after the money but he cares about your soul".

I just wanted to leave and wasn't willing to spend the 55 Shekels anyway. The Chassid kept on begging me:

Him: "Give 50 Shekels".
Me: "No".
Him: "Give 20 Shekels".
Me: "No".
Him: "Give 10 Shekels".
Me: "No".
Him: "Give 1 Shekels".
Me: "No. Are we in the Arab market here where everyone is dealing about a Shekel ?"

The Chassid was upset because I didn't give him any money but before he went wild, his friend interferred. If I was married ?
"No, I said".
Him: "Do you want to get married ?"
Me: "I don't have time now".
Him: "Give the donation and the Rabbi will make a Mesirut Nefesh for you. He will promise you health etc."
Me: "No one can promise anything except for G - D !"
Him: "Give the donation for the Mesirut Nefesh".
Me: "No, I have enough of you and I don't give anything".

I left the greedy cash cow scene.

Unbelievable what kind of "Chassidim" Rabbi Berland is sending out.

By the way, would I have got a receipt for the tax office ?

The picture above doesn't show the real grave. See all details on this map !
I bet NOT !


  1. You missed a great opportunity to do a mitzvah of tzedaka. Hashem sent you this shliach for you to help another Yid. It is a shame you missed out.

    Have a Gut Shabbos.

  2. B"H

    You may be right but especially in Jerusalem, there are countless of people asking for Zedakah. They even knock on your door.

    What I do like to do is giving food to the organization for the poor "Yad Eliezer".

    However, as we see so many people who don't seem to need Zedakah or who seem to be fakes, we are thinking about whom to give money. I know many people who stopped giving Zedakah in the streets.

    To be honest: I rather give something to a poor family than to an organization.
