
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selichot in Premishlan


Selichot in Chassidut Premishlan

Does anyone know where I can find this gorgeous Synagogue ?
I think that Premishlan is similar to Nadvorna. Anyone has any further details, as it only says on the Internet that a former Rebbe died years ago. Where are they located ?

It is really an amazing how many different chassidic groups are out there.

All pictures may be viewed here:


  1. The only premishlaner shil i know is on Avenue M in Brooklyn (R' Herbst).

  2. They have the most resplendent Aron.

  3. B"H

    It is a pity if they are only located in the States. A pity for me, I mean.

  4. They're centered in Israel. Lots of videos of the Rebbe and simchas. They seem a little more subdued than other chassidic groups. The simcha doesn't always get that lebedig. Maybe that's just their style, but the Rebbe does a very heartfelt davening.

  5. Dear Miriam, The word is Premishlan, and not Permishlan. The Rebbes are named Leifer, and there are huge numbers of them, because one of the early Rebbes gave a brocha that all his descendants should become Rebbes, so they all did. The relationship to Nadvorna is because of the blood line; many of their Rebbes are also called Leifer. The name Rosenbaum pops up a lot, too. The Kretchniver is also somehow in this band of merry men. A minhag many of them do is to play the fiddle on Purim and Hannukka. I saw the old Kretchniver do this when he was in Antwerpen for Purim. The Premishlaner Rebbe in Antwerpen is named Leifer. He has a beis-midrash there, which means that he moved the regular furniture out of his livingroom and put benkelech and an aron koidesh in its place. He gets a minyan on Shabbes because he begins davening very late, so Holy Brothers who get up late can go to him. He has no minyan during the week. There are hundreds of Rebbelech types like him all over the world, and the name Leifer appears prominently among them. Gut Jahr, David

  6. B"H

    Thanks a lot for the information !!!

  7. I was under the impression that Premishlan came directly out of Nadvorna.

    The custom of playing the violin certainly comes out of Nadvorna. I've seen videos of the Kretchnifer, the Zutchka, and the Premishlaner play, and they're all terrible! At least if you're going to make a spectacle of it - usually on Chanukah - take some lessons! A Rebbe should have some more dignity. I will say that the Premishlaner was the best of the three though. I would also bet any amount of money that the previous Rebbes of all three of these groups played with style.

  8. B"H

    Talking about dignity:

    The Kretchnifer Rebbe from Jerusalem shows the most dignity while he is dancing alone. I have never seen a Rebbe dancing like him; with such dignity and Kavanah.
    The Kretchnifer Rebbe dancing always comes into my mind first when I think about Kretchnif Jerusalem.

    I have been to Nadvorna in Bnei Brak and their Rebbe is very lively. He loves to clap in his hands while rising them over his head. Thus, he is telling his Chassidim to start singing.

    Anyone knows where Premishlan is located in Bnei Brak ? If they are there at all !

  9. Yes, very true about the Nadvorna Rebbe. There was such a great video of him on youtube and on this site at the tu b'shvat tisch with his chassidim singing "ki atoh hu melech..." He was really in ecstasy. I watched the video every few days until it was removed from youtube. Can't figure out why.

    I also enjoy watching the Toldos Aharon Rebbe dance.

  10. B"H

    Unfortunately, it looks like Nadvorna removed all its sites and Videos. This is a real pity !
    The same with the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak a few years ago.
    Someone built such a great site including a terrific video about Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kahn dancing at a Hachnasat Sefer Torah.
    Then the website just disappeared.
