
Friday, September 11, 2009

Shabbat Shalom


Rosh HaShana is right ahead of us and most Jews think, as soon as they hear the name of the holiday, about honey, the disgusting fish head, good food and long synagogue services. Sorry, I forgot about the other main points: Teshuva and getting somehow closer to G - d.
But how are you supposed to do that when your stomach is empty ?
Didn't the Baal Shem Tov reject fasting ? Only with some food in your stomach you are fully able to serve G - d !

Maybe I am sounding like a radio commercial now but I don't intend asking for donations. I would rather put your thoughts into a certain direction.
Thousands of Israeli families have not enough to eat over the coming holiday. Due to the economical crisis, many donor stayed away and private organizations can only give out some amount of food.

We read in the Israeli daily "Maariv" today that a private organization in Haifa gave out 800 food packages for Rosh HaShana yesterday. Those 800 packages were supposed to last for one week but were gone after four hours. So many needy came; including the 84 - years - old Joseph Kinsreich who survived Auschwitz and now lives from the welfare.

Pessach (Passover) and Rosh HaShana are disastrous for Israeli needy families. TV commercials just show presents for the rich but who thinks about the needy ?

It is sad that such a great important holiday has been commercialized and if you don't participate in the shopping madness, you are somehow OUT. G - d intended a Day of Blowing and not a Day of Consuming !

"Shabbat Shalom - Gut Schabbes" to all of you !

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