
Monday, October 5, 2009

Enjoying the Chag


So far, I have been enjoying the Chag (holiday, Yom Tov). The only thing bothering me is that Jerwnton, they behave more or less but, yesterday, I went on a tour run by the national religious Yeshiva "Ateret Cohanim" in the Arab Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.
Detailed descriptions are following in a few days when I have more time and not enjoying myself too much anymore. 

Nevertheless, the tour led us through the Arab as well as the Christian Quarter where "Ateret Cohanim" bought houses and placed Jewish families inside. One of those houses we entered: A huge house in the Christian Quarter which used to be a Christian hotel. Now ten Jewish families live there.

As we still stood in front of the house, the Christians saw us (mostly religious Jews) coming and got really excited. Maybe they thought that we are becoming missionized and join the church.
The Christians started smiling. This kind of smile where you, as a Jew, just know that it is nothing but a false smile. A smile as if they had smoked some wacky tabaccy.

Some Christians came up to us and wanted to touch us. Touching a Jew; especially the children of our group. I have never witnessed such a disgusting scene.

And this is what is bothering me. Anyway, not due to this reason I went to Tel Aviv today but I just needed to see something else. The beach, for instance. This is what I am going to enjoy today.
Tonight I will be back in Jerusalem for a Sukkot party at the Machlis family and afterwards I will be in Mea Shearim.

Moadim Le' Simcha to all of you ! 

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