
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Haredi Bashing after Conversion to Judaism


Frankly speaking:
Most of the time I refuse reading German Jewish blogs. When I read most of the content of so - called "Orthodox" Jews, I feel like throwing up. The worst are those who converted to Judaism and then claim their blog as "Orthodox".
"Orthodox" ? What kind of "Orthodox ?"
Haredi bashing is quite common and people even admit to eat Chametz during Pessach.
"I went to a restaurant and think that not eating Kidniyiot is just a stupid custom and doesn't apply to me !" - this is what one German "Jewish" blogger spread.
Others convert and still stick to their Christian ideas but call themselves "Jewish Orthodox" and even make Aliyah.

There are very very few German Jewish blogs which are interesting even if they were written by Reform Jews. About German Jewish history before and during the Holocaust, for instance, or warnings against Christian missionaries as well as giving advise about where to enjoy some Jewish life in Berlin.

I just wonder what those bashy converts were telling the Rabbis at their Beit Din ?
That the Halacha is a piece of old junk and that the Haredim are lazy, don't go to the army and that most Orthodox Jews are a bunch of nuts who don't know what is going on in today's world.

I don't care what those bloggers claim but it does make me angry when other people who truly look for some Yiddishkeit read such false opinions and may believe it. Especially when halachic issues are being misinterpreted.


  1. So does this leave any doubt that R'Sherman's positions are correct? If the potential ger is insincere, the geirus MUST BE INVALIDATED!

  2. B"H

    As far as I remember, the Talmud states that if a convert converted with a sincere mind but later left religion, then he is still Jewish.
    Did he convert with a false intention, he is not Jewish at all, as there was no exchange of Neshamot (souls).
    Usually a sincere converts receives a Jewish soul after conversion.

    In many cases, converts have a certificate but neither their mind nor their soul is Jewish.

  3. Unfortunately they are also getting citizenship in Israel and a whole lot of them are now able to missionize freely. Just count the xtian churches, business, and whatnot in Israel! They vote too.

  4. B"H

    According to Israeli law:
    They do get citizenship but within the first three years, citizenship can be taken away. So, we've got three years in order to prove someone of being a phony.

  5. B"H

    According to Israeli law:
    They do get citizenship but within the first three years, citizenship can be taken away. So, we've got three years in order to prove someone of being a phony.

  6. B''H

    Sadly this post and your comments regarding converts.. really sadened me.

    Sure there is some who like you say are not sincere.. but out of thouse I know personally, have never been any thing but honest people wanting to become jews.

    I have atleast one time had to console one of thouse friends of mine becouse of people being really really mean against them, just for the reason of "proving that the convert was a phony".

    So sadly I will no longer read your blog, one that I mostly found enjoyable...

    Have a wonderfull life.

  7. B"H

    Fact is that the vast majority of converts in Israel (Orthodox converts) turn out to be not sincere. This is not a secret and the Rabbanut knows it very well but hasn't found a solution of how to accept sincere people.
    The only converts being more sincere are those converting with Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, for instance. This Rabbi has an enormous high success rate. Maybe the Edah as well or Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein.
    However, I am not saying that there aren't any sincere converts with the Rabbanut.

    Furthermore, look at the anti - missionary group YAD LE'ACHIM which, just recently, informed the Rabbanut that they had converted at least 60 people still being active as Christian missionaries.

    You don't have to react so dramatic and I am not forcing you to accept the facts but, one day, you will be definitely confronted with reality and then it is time to wake up.
