
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here goes the Constitution !


You watch: Slowly slowly it is going to happen. The American President is loosing his Barak face and showing his Hussein one instead.

FOX NEWS is in trouble because Obama is singling it out. The President can take anything but criticism.
What else do you expect from a "Messiah" ?

Pajamas Media has the story !


  1. Fox News is in trouble because they host hate and fear mongers like Glenn Beck. The US is leaning dangerously to the far right. Obama would be considered in the center in most countries. He is not a socialist or a communist. He is not far left. He is politically similiar to John McCain.

  2. B"H

    In Israel, Obama would be seen as far left. Either with Zipi Livni or with Uri Avinery and his "Peace Now" group. But probably more tending to "Peace Now" due to Obama's Arab friendliness.

  3. Obummer is not even far left he is active pro-muslim. Have a look at those that surround him--crooks, muslim brotherhood, and on and on. We will be lucky if we can avoid a world war with this narcissistic maniac in power. He is systematically silencing everyone who opposes him. He has lied about everything he has done and everyone he was associated with. And he is nothing like John McCain--only a pro-islamist or an idiot would try to pass that off.

  4. I'm certainly no friend of Obama. But last time I checked Fox News I saw some bad craziness going on. If Fox News represents the state of the conservatives in the US today, then you guys have indeed a problem.

  5. i dont know where shira gets her numbers from. quite the opposite, check the ratings,, see how fox is trouncing the competition. only in delusional lefty blogworld is fox news "in trouble"

  6. Also, for more hilarity, check the youtube videos comparing Obama to Chancellor Palpatine from "Star Wars" (who was secretly the evil emperor who tried to rule the galaxy)
