
Friday, October 9, 2009

Nefuches ???


A few days ago I walked with a friend through Mea Shearim. Rushing from one Simchat Beit HaShoeva celebration to the next.
As you know, many streets in Mea Shearim are divided during Sukkot and sometimes it is hard looking for the right modest way. Especially women have to search and walk longer distances. The Mea Shearim market is half closed off to women but me and my friend found a way to get in. Not only us but also other women.
As we left the market, two or three Haredim entered and one of them seemed to be really mad seeing us women although this particular alleyway was not divided.
He yelled out loud "NEFUCHES !" and kept on walking.

My Yiddish is still not perfect and, until today, I don't know what NEFUCHES (NEFUCHOS) means. Maybe one of the readers can help out and let me know the translation. 
However, I can imagine that it is not something nice.:-)


  1. Here's the literal meaning of the term - as in "matzoh nefucha": Passover Matzos

    My guess is that he was using the term as slang - like "chutzpan!"

    Shabbat Shalom & Chag Sameach,

    Religion and State in Israel

  2. B"H

    Your assumption sounds right to me !
