
Friday, October 9, 2009

Shabbat Shalom

Photo: YNET 


Tensions in Jerusalem today and thousands of police and border police men are trying to keep the Arabs under control.
People have been talking a lot about the start of a "Third Intifada" and it just looks this way. The Palestinian propaganda seems to be successful once again making its flase claims "Israel would storm the Temple Mount". And again, the world goes for it.

One should always bare in mind that Israel is not doing the provocations but the Arabs ! During Ramadan, it was quiet and the Arabs worked together with the Israelis. Now, the Jewish holiday of Sukkot is on and the Palestinians simply don't want the Jews in the Old City.
At every Jewish holiday, thousands of Jews are going to the Jewish Quarter and the Kotel (Western Wall). This alone drives the Arabs nuts because they want the entire Old City for themselves. Jews just bother. Not at all surprising because the main goal of the Arab world is the TOTAL destruction of the State of Israel. A two - state solution does not exist for them and the sooner everyone understands this, the better.
But, unfortunately, in this matter, the world seems to be brain damaged !

In Tel Aviv, however, life is more relaxed at the moment and all the cops seem to be busy in Jerusalem. Last night I went to Bnei Brak but only saw Chassidut Vishnitz celebrating Simchat beit HaShoeva. The Chassidim of Rebbe Israel Hager.
To be precise: I was there at 9pm, the time when the celebrations were supposed to start. Metal benches were set up outside, right in front of the study centers and the Vishnitzer Synagogue (at Kiryat Vishnitz). By then, not even half of the Chassidim had arrived and women were told to go into the opposite building where they would be able to watch the whole event on a video screen. Others entered another part of the building and just looked out of the window.
Anyway, it turned out that there would be not video in the end.

By around 10pm, the event still hadn't started and I decided to go back to Tel Aviv. Most Bnei Braker Chassidim seemed to be busy with getting their luggage onto the busses to Jerusalem instead of participating in further celebrations.

Today I am also going back to Jerusalem. In the evening I am going to watch the Hakafot for Simchat Torah at Chassidut Dushinsky and later on, I am invited for a meal in Mea Shearim. I just hope that their are not too many drunkards around.:-)

"Shabbat Shalom - Gut Schabbes - Chag Sameach - Gut Yom Tov" to all readers !

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