
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thoughts on Parashat Lech Leach

Torah Parasha "Lech Lecha - Go to yourself"


G - d told Avraham to go out (Lech Lecha) to a land He would going him.
The simple interpretation is that G - d told Avraham to leave his home, country as well as his father Terach.

But does it only mean leaving your home in order to start a new life somewhere else ?
Maybe, but while taking a deeper look you may realize that moving to another country doesn't only mean separation from your beloved. It does mean that you have to look into your inner being and decide what you really want in life. "Lech Lecha" also means "Going into yourself", meaning: Find out who you really are.

Are you just living because you were born and couldn't change your existence anyway ? Or should do do something useful with your life ? Maybe fulfilling G - d's will ?
"Lech Lecha" always reminds me of my own Aliyah to Israel. Going out to start something new and more positive in any way.

The second interesting point this week's Parasha is making is the reaction of Avraham's nephew Lot. When Avraham told him that they should separate, Lot "opens his eyes and sees the fruitful Jordan Valley". The Talmud Tractates Nazir 23b and Horayot 10b interpret this as Lot is going according to his eyes. He sees something beautiful, thinks of all his benefits and thus makes a decision. He sees and wants without taking any consequences into consideration. Instead of running after his advantages he should have learned from Avraham and use his common sense as well.

In this particular situation the common sense would have rejected a life in Sodom. How can you live in an evil environment where the Sodomites kill poor wayfarers and steal the rest of their belongings ? However, Lot thought of all the wealth and good life despite the immorality of Sodom.

How many times do we just follow our eyes ?
I am also asking this because of the disturbing subject "Intermarriage". Jews follow their eyes without thinking. A pretty woman a gorgeous guy and the heart is lost. Instead of looking at the outer appearance we should concentrate on a person's unique soul. A soul with which we are able to connect and not run after quick artificial preferences. The same applies to any daily situation taking place in our lives.

What we can learn from Avraham and Lot is to go into ourselves and start questioning the priorities in our life.

Shabbat Shalom 

A little Shabbat Atmosphere

Selling "Challot - Bread for Shabbat" in Mea Shearim
Photo: Chadrei HaCharedim

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