
Friday, October 2, 2009

Ve'Samachta Be'Chagecha ...


Tonight starts my favourite holiday Sukkot. And let me tell you, there is nothing better than spending the holiday in Jerusalem. It is hard to describe but when the Jerusalemites start building their Sukkot (booth), the special atmosphere lays in the air. It says that the Sukka represents the Shechinah (G - d's presence) on earth.

I have never seen as many Sukkot as in Jerusalem. In Israel we mostly have the advantage of having nice weather during Sukkot whereas abroad, it may be cold and rainy already. I remember those days from Germany where the community Rabbi was always busy moving some plastic over the S'chach (roof) of the Sukka when it started raining.

There is a Halacha that Jews should avoid writing during Chol HaMoed (intermediate days). However, I do write for the blogs but less. The main reason is explaining the Germans (Jews) the holiday of Sukkot and describing the atmosphere in Jerusalem.

I am going to be busy during the holiday. Countless events in the chassidic world are on. Furthermore, the traditional "Bircat HaCohanim - Blessing of the Priests) is taking place at the Kotel (Western Wall) during Shacharit next Monday.
Furthermore, I am also visiting Bnei Brak as well as Chassidut Mishkoltz in Petach Tikwah.

"Shabbat Shalom & Chag Sameach - Gut Schabbes & Gut Yom Tov to all my readers" !

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