
Monday, November 30, 2009

Breslover Trip to Kever Yosef


The fight about the grave of Yosef (son of Yaakov) in Shechem (Nablus) has been going on for quite a few years now. Just remember October 2000, when radical Palestinians attacked Kever Yosef and the soldiers protecting it. Eventually the Israeli army gave up the Kever and violent Palestinians took over the compound desecrating Yosef's grave:

Especially the Breslover Chassidim are famous fro their campaigns of reaching the Kever in order to pray there. Sometimes they just walk towards Shechem, their trips are illegal or legal.
This time, however, the trip was legal.

Yosef's grave and the trip of some Breslover to Shechem escorted by the Israeli army

All pictures may be viewed here:


Yosef HaZaddik 

1 comment:

  1. What a crime that Jews have to have permission and be guarded while praying, and our foolish government handed over the temple mount to the enemy (who, by the way restricts all non-muslims from entering)
