
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beit Yehonatan

The Arab village Silvan


"Beit Yehonatan - Jonathan House" was named after Jonathan Pollard and established by the national religous Yeshiva "Ateret Cohanim". The location seems to be explosive, as Beit Yehonatan was built in the middle of the Arab village of Silvan.

For all those who have never heard of Silvan: The village can be found right outside the Dung Gate next to The Western Wall (Kotel).

Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim is famous for buying Arab property in the Arab and Christian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. The main goal is to settle Jewish families inside the houses and thus, turn the Arab Quarter back into its original state and purpose: Into something Jewish !

On Chol HaMoed Pessach + Sukkot, Ateret Cohanim is offering FREE trips around the Arab Quarter in order to show Jews what the Yeshiva has gained so far. I can only recommend these trips (walking tours):

- My trip with "Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim"

- Jews buying Arab property in the Old City

So far, Jews and Arabs have been living, more or less, peaceful together in the area of Silvan. Just look at "Ir David - City of King David". Despite all the Jewish left - wing protests in front of Ir David, the atmosphere among the inhabitants remained relaxed.
However, Israel's state - prosecutor wants the families living in Beit Yehonatan out. Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat protested against the prosecutor's decision and says that if the inhabitants of Beit Yehonatan are being thrown out, 200 ILLEGAL Arab houses are going to be demolished. The state - prosecutor should keep away from a one - sided decision only in favour of the Arabs.   

The state's decision as well as Israel's supreme court is known for its left - wing propaganda and decisions.

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