
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The New York Police arrested Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira


One of the grandsons of the famous Kabbalist "Baba Sali", Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira, was arrested in New York. The Rabbi lives in Beersheva and came to New York in order to collect donations. However, some Jews claim that Rabbi Elazar promised them to influence their "Mazal – Luck" by using his kabbalistic knowledge. Not for free, of course !
Thus the Rabbi earned plenty of money but the Jews filed a complaint against him.

The Abuchatzeira family doesn't seem to be too lucky after the death of the Baba Sali. The Baba Sali's son "Baba Baruch" was in jail and further family members are known to be crooks. One of the only honest ones seems to be Rabbi Israel Abuchatzeira residing in Haifa.  


  1. excuse me, what abour rabbi david in nahriyah????

  2. B"H

    Does he live in Nahariya ?
    I am not a person from the north but from the center and get mixed up too easily.:-)))

  3. It brings tears to my eyes to read such as story. Anyone that knows a bit about Judaism should know that only g-d can guarantee things. Rabbis are not magicians - ie. they cannot snap their fingers and solve problems. Now, there are certain rabbis such as Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira (who I happen to know personally) whom have dedicated their lives to the study of Torah. Through the study of Torah, they are able to get closer to g-d. There is no question that Rabbi Elazar does have spiritual powers along with the ability to make change things but nothing is ever guaranteed. Nobody knows what really knows what went on behind the scenes. Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira is one of the leading rabbis of the generation and I highly doubt any of this is true.

  4. Just came across this by chance, this is such a lie as I know for a fact that he was not even in New York during this time period.

  5. Elazar abuhetzeira is lucky he didn't come to america he would go straight to prison for all his fraud in the millions of dollars I think he is now in a better place. Hell
