
Monday, March 22, 2010

Pushed behind the Mechitzah


There are plenty of Orthodox women who are interested in higher Jewish learning. As soon as they go to a Shiur, they become like vacuum cleaners; they shuffle in as much as they can and sometimes it doesn't even matter what subject it is. Especially when you are on the edge of becoming religious and thus trying to learn, you are interested in anything concerning Judaism. Mussar, Halacha, Torah, Jewish history, you name it.

In my national religious days, I once went to the Jerusalem men's Yeshiva "Machon Me'ir" in order to listen to a lecture. I don't remember what it was about and it turned out that the women behind the Mechitzah hardly heard anything the Rabbi was saying.

There are plenty of classes but when you take a closer look you will realize that the good and interesting classes are only for men. Let's take Chabad near Shenkin Street in Tel Aviv as an example: The men study Halachot and the chassidic Parasha whereas the women learn about Biblical women and the task as a woman.

What if I would like to learn the Parasha in a chassidic way ? Am I forced to look for a different Shiur ?

Many times it is happening that women "only" study some women's issues and the men nearby do the more interesting subjects. Even when the women try to listen to the men's side, they are told to keep their ears on their side.

Why not more classes on higher Jewish learning for women ?
A complaint I do hear a lot. From women, of course and not from the males.


  1. if you would all stop gossiping for five minutes you would probably hear something :D

  2. B"H

    Who is gossiping more ?
    Men or women ?

    It is not the gossip but women got pushed away from the Mechitzah although they were quiet and interested.:-)

  3. The women are pushed away because the men don´t want the women to hear the narishkeiten the men are gossiping!

  4. B"H


    Honestly, I would be rather interested in hearing a chassidic interpretation of the Parasha instead of listening to "why I have to be in the kitchen" and how great our foremothers were.
