
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Leading Rabbis on Israel's Independence


The words of our sages:

Rabbi Avigdor Miller
"The State of Israel solves nothing. All 'problems' remain the same, and new ones are created: 1) The Arabian lands have been rendered uninhabitable for Jews; 2) constant wars with neighbors must be waged, incurring huge military expenditures and loss of many lives, in addition to constant peril; 3) it has exacerbated Jew-hatred in the nations, due to Arab influence and also to embroilment with the foreign policy of the nations; 4) and the proponents of the State of Israel attempt to kindle a fire under the Jews in all lands in order to make their position untenable so that they emigrate to augment the population of the new State." (Sing You Righteous, p. 25)

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn of Lubavitch
"I am against the proposed Jewish state. It would be a calamity for the Jews, and in a short time they will realize what a calamity it is."

Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik
"The Rambam says that Meshiach will bring the Jewish people out from under the rule of the nations. Whoever believes there can be a redemption from the rule of the nations without Meshiach, is lacking complete emunah in Meshiach." (Yalkut Divrei Torah)

"Reb Meir Soloveitchik related that the Brisker Rav once asked: Why is the wording of the last oath different from the first two? In the first two (Shir Hashirim 2:7 and 3:5) it says "If you arouse and if you awaken," and in the last one (8:4) it says "Why do you arouse and why do you awaken?" The answer is, he said, that the first two oaths are said to the Jewish people before they make any attempt to throw off the yoke of exile. "Do not do it..." for if you do it will be bitter. But Shlomo Hamelech foresaw in his ruach hakodesh that there would come a time when the Jews would indeed try to force the end. After they have already tried, and seen the bitter consequences ("I will permit your flesh") Hashem calls to them: Why do you continue in your folly of fighting with the nations? Don't you see what the results are? Why are you asking for more?" (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 187)

Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik
"The Jewish people have suffered many plagues - the Sadducees, Karaites, Hellenisers, Shabbesai Zvi, Haskalah, Reform and many others. But the strongest of them all is Zionism." (Mishkenos Haro'im p. 269)

Rabbi Aharon Kotler
"Rabbi Wasserman, Rabbi Kotler, Rabbi Rottenberg from Antwerp, and the rabbis from Czechoslovakia and Hungary were unanimous in rejecting any proposal for a Jewish state on either side of the Jordan River, even if it were established as a religious state, because such a regime would be a form of heresy in our faith in the coming of Moshiach." (Hapardes, August 1937)

The Chazon Ish
On the fifth of Iyar in the last year of the Chazon Ish's life, he was honored to be sandek at three different brisin. Still, he requested that Tachanun be said, lest someone come later on and testify, "The Chazon Ish did not say Tachanun on the fifth of Iyar," without revealing the circumstances. He once said, "It would have been proper to declare the fifth of Iyar a public fast day." (Mishkenos Haro'im, p. 1196)

The Satmar Rebbe, Rav Yoel Teitelbaum
"If we were to put all the sins of this generation and all the transgressions committed in the entire world on one side of a scale, and the Zionist state on the other side, it would outweigh everything, for it is the poisonous source of the worst defilement, the worst cause of damage in the entire world, and they are ones who defiIe the entire world." (Vayoel Moshe, Introduction, p. 11)

The Chazon Ish
"Why do we mention the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt every day, but not the miracle of Purim? It was a very great miracle, in which the entire Jewish people was saved from death! The answer is that regarding the future redemption, Scripture states, "I have adjured you not to arouse or awaken the love before it is desired" (Shir Hashirim 2:7). We are forbidden under oath to force the hour, to make any effort toward the redemption and the coming of mashiach. This is why our Sages say that mashiach will come only when we take our minds off him (Sanhedrin 97a). This is the meaning of the verse, "I will show wonders like in the days when you went out of Egypt" (Michah 7:15): the future redemption will be similar to the Exodus, which happened when we took our minds off it· Israel did not force the hour, nor did they make any efforts toward the Exodus. They continued their labor and affliction until G-d sent Moshe, His chosen, to take them out. This is why we remember the Exodus every day, to teach that the future redemption
will be similar to the Exodus. Israel will not force the hour or take any physical action toward the redemption, but rather everything will be done on its own, an act of Heaven. In the miracle of Purim, on the other hand, Mordechai forced the hour by sending Esther to the king in violation of the law, thus endangering her life, although there were still many months left before the fulfillment of Haman's decree. Perhaps Jews would learn from this story that now as well, we must force the hour and take action to bring mashiach by force. Therefore, we do not mention the miracle of Purim daily."

Rav Chaim Elazar of Munkacz
"After the sin of the spies, Moshe told the Jewish people, 'Do not go up and do not fight.' But they went up anyhow, 'and the ark of the bris of Hashem and Moshe did not move from the camp.' This is a prophecy about our time: the Zionists go up to Eretz Yisroel with a strong hand to found colonies and fight with the gentiles. This is against the command of Hashem Yisborach, who warned against this way, and said it would be bitter in the end. But the ark and Moshe - the Torah, the Torah leaders, and the loyal Jews - did not move from the camp to join the Zionists. 'And they beat them and destroyed them until Chormah' - refers to the destruction and the killings we have seen in Jerusalem near the Kosel Hamaaravi (in 1929)." (Chaim Veshalom)


  1. I'm going to Kiryas Yoel this shabbos. I was actually tempted to ask my host to learn the zemiros section of Vayoel Moshe. Maybe not, as I would feel guilty to say that I ever opened that sefer.

  2. B"H

    I thought that you wouldn't go anymore.:-))) After the incident with the torch.:-)

  3. Lol, the torch! No, it was just a flashlight, but it may have well been a torch. Listen, there is just no way that I'm going back to that tish. I go to my Rabbi, and we sing for hours. I teach him Vizhnitzer niggunim, and he teaches me others. I even go to the Satmar mikveh with him. I was terrified the first time, but it was really a great experience.

  4. B"H

    I do like his saying and totally agree with him !

  5. The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, the holy R' Sholom DovBer Schneersohn of Lubavitch, once said "The day that the Zionists will succeed in their goal[of creating a Jewish state], Moshiach's coming will be delayed for 50 years.

    (This was related by R' Ya'akov Landau, Rov of Bnei Brak. He was seen weeping on the original day of independence, and after his grandchildren asked him about it, he related what he heard from R' Sholom DovBer ztvk"l
