
Friday, April 23, 2010

Shabbat Shalom

Six Chazzanim ar singing "Adon Olam" at the Great Tel Aviv Synagogue.
(Organized by Chazan Chaim Adler)


Almost on my way back to Jerusalem (from Tel Aviv). The sun is shining and I will definitely go out and enjoy some nature tomorrow afternoon.

The Toldot Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe from Mea Shearim is still visiting Canada. Today he will be in Toronto. And I was so much looking forward to go to his Tish tonight. 
Maybe next Shabbat because he is returning to Israel on Wednesday.

On Sunday evening, most Israelis (accept for strong anti - Zionists) were standing attention to the siren for Yom Hazikaron (Memorial for fallen Israeli Soldiers). I did so at our bakery in Jerusalem and saw a litvishe Haredi standing outside. He stood attention and, moreover, he even stood longer than all other people, as he was finishing his prayer.

Exactly a week ago, I had a bad experience at the beach in Tel Aviv. American Christian missionaries were streaming into the beach promenade area in order to missionize Jews. I didn't know what to do. Where are Yad Le'Achim and the modesty police on Fridays ?
They are urgently needed !

A good beach experience I had on Tuesday, on Yom Ha'azma'ut itself. The Breslover Nanas were dancing at the promenade for hours; giving the Israeli holiday finally a slightly religious touch.

"Shabbat Shalom" to all of you !


  1. they are singing in Shabbat whit electric Mics?

  2. B"H

    No, the Synagogue is Orthodox and the performance was not on a Shabbat.
