
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old Friends on the Internet


The Internet is bad, evil, immodest ! 
Cancer, Yetzer HaRah, anything you can imagine.
Those are the claims of many religious Jews. However, it was the Internet helping me finding some friends from my German past. People I went to school with, other friends and even family members.

It was a real joy surfing through a certain German site and finding all these people who seemed to have gone lost. I found two cousins of mine and with one I am in close touch at the moment. Listening to all the family events I have missed for the past ten years is not that easy, as  two uncles passed away. I was in shock when I heard it about a few hours ago. And those uncles actually died already three years ago.

However, it is strange looking at all those people photos from school and then look at them today. I would have never ever recognized them in the street. 
In the end, I am glad that there is something called Internet. A new invention always has two sides and you have to look and use the positive side and not only at the worst. Where would we be today if Adam HaRishon hadn't lit the first fire and thus made a brandnew invention ? 

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