
Monday, June 21, 2010

21 June 2010


According to the worldly calendar, today is my 10th Aliyah anniversary. At this point, people usually tell you how great everything is in Israel and how great the Aliyah is. Or, people tell you the opposite. I think that one has to combine both opinions with each other. Israel is not an easy country to live in. Not only economically but just look at all the tensions giving you a hard time sometimes.

When I made Aliyah, the third Intifada was just about to start. I have seen a lot in Jerusalem: Terrorist attacks, me and my flatmates had two car bombs right in front of our house. Friends of mine got injured in suicide attacks. I saw a blown up bus (No. 14) rolling from Jaffa Road to the police garage for further investigation.

I think it was back in 2002 when there was an Arab terrorist running around shooting in Jaffa Road (near Zion Square). In the evening, when I came from work and was waiting at a bus stop near the Machane Yehudah Market, I asked a woman what had happened and she asked me where I originally come from (due to my German accent in Hebrew). However, this woman made the most amazing statement in my whole Aliyah "career":

"At least, here in Israel we know who our enemy is. Abroad we don't know it".

Telling you the truth about Aliyah:
You need lots of strength surviving in this country. Learning a new language, a new mentality, finding a job and a place to live. Setting up a new life. The only thing I can tell you is that it is worth living in a Jewish country and not constantly justifying oneself because one is Jewish.
Being in a Jewish environment and in a country where you can feel like home. The Diaspora may be comfortable but, as a Jew, you will always be an outsider no matter what you do.


  1. Congratulations on your 10th Aliya Anniversary, it takes a great deal of strength and dedication to actually go through with it. My whole family is in Israel and I would love to live there but I can’t bring myself to do it, not only because of the poor economic status in Israel but because the whole move is very scary to me. Israel is a beautiful place to visit 3+ times a year but it seems like a whole new world when I imagine myself trying to live there.

  2. B"H

    In case you live in the US or England: The Nefesh be'Nefesh organization is helping those new immigrants more than ever. You even get paid for making Aliyah. NBN provides you with housing and with a job.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't make Aliyah with them because they have accepted millions of Dollars from American Missionary Christians (the Evangelists).

    For making Aliyah, one needs a certain mindset. Unfortunately, many new immigrants come with a way of thinking that if it doesn't work out, they will go back to where they came from.

    In order to have a successful absorption, you need to be convinced that this is for you. No matter what !

    Sometimes Jews think too much before they make Aliyah. If they find a job or learn the language. There are times when everything just works out smoothly and others just won't make it.

    Maybe you have the possibility staying some time longer in Israel. Lets say a few months in a row and this way you get to know the country.
