
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Soccer, Football, Fussball


Americans may not even know about it due to a lack of interest: 
This Friday the Soccer World Championships are going to start in South Africa. A huge event for the world and also Israelis are looking forward to it. Not only secular Jews but parts of the haredi (ultra - Orthodox) population as well.

Who says Haredim are not interested in soccer ?
In Israel, many of them are. Just look at all the Sephardi SHASS fans of "Beitar Yerushalaim". When Beitar plays, Jerusalem's pubs are full of young Haredim ordering a beer and watching the game live on TV. Not necessarily Mea Shearim but Israeli Haredim with a rather more "light" touch of haredi life. 

Nevertheless, we are all glad that the Israeli national team didn't make it to South Africa or can you imagine the world's Apartheid towards us !


  1. Can't wait for World Cup!
    I remember last WC when Zidane got the red card in the final.
    Crazy stuff.

  2. B"H

    I will watch the games too.:-)))
