
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Erev Tisha be'Av in Jerusalem

"Yassam" cops were, together with the army's border police "Mishmar HaGvul" securing the annual Tisha be'Av march around the Old City walls organized by the "Women in Green" and their head, the right - wing activist Nadja Matar.

"Eretz Israel belongs to the Jews" - so the slogan of last night's march. Before the march, "Megillat Eicha" was read at the Independence Park. Afterwards we started marching down to the New Gate, Damascus Gate, Lion Gate (all in East Jerusalem) and the Dung Gate in front of the Kotel (Western Wall) Plaza.

In previous years, thousands of mostly national religious Israel participated but last night there were only about 1000 people.

Here are some impressions from last night, Erev Tisha be'Av 5770:

Yoram Ettinger (Expert in US relations) gave a speech before the march.

Down to Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem

Damascus Gate
Usually not a save place to go for Jews because the area is known as Hamas territory.

Further down at Damascus Gate used to be one of the main entrances to the Beit HaMikdash (Temple).

Israeli soldiers everywhere in order to protect the march participants from potential Arab extremists.

At the Lion Gate the march stopped and Rabbi Shalom Gold as well as Knesset member Aryeh Eldad and activist Nadja Matar made speeches. The speeches were mostly political and Nadja Matar remembered the withdraw from Gush Katif five years ago.

Nadja Matar and Knesset member Aryeh Eldad

We also passed Avshalom's grave (King David's son).

Temple Mount with Al Aksa Mosque

Mourning Kinot at the Kotel (Western Wall)

Kotel Mezuza

Further photos are following: The rebuild Churvah Synagogue and the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem !

Photos: Miriam Woelke

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