
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rapper Shyne goes Haredi


I admit that I am not into any Rap at all and that I have never heard about a black American Rapper called Shyne before. The secular Israeli press is making a big fuss about him because he became a Baal Teshuva. In the morning he is studying Gemara at a Jerusalem Belz Yeshiva and in the evening he continues to rap. Today the Israeli daily "Yediot Acharonot" publishes a huge article showing Shyne in Belzer clothes. He even wears the black socks and shoes without laces. Totally Belz and only the colour of his skin shows that he is different. 
Yediot's English website Ynet, however, shows Shyne in old Yerushalmi Yishuv clothes, and I assume that Shyne is undergoing some typical Baalei Teshuva transformations. I know many male Baalei Teshuva from abroad who constantly change his haredi dressing including their Rebbe. Usually they start with Breslov but then move to an extreme group of the Edah HaCharedit. After some time they are fed up, try Belz or a bit Boyan, come back to Breslov and then start all over again. In fact, there are haredi Baalei Teshuva from aborad with an whole collection of different hats. Sometimes the collection even includes a litvishe hat. 

Honestly this behavour is driving me nuts. Why can't people make up their mind and try chassidic directions without instantly changing their clothes. I can learn in Belz, Boyan, litvish or even in Toldot Aharon without changing my entire life including my clothes right away. Obviously those Baalei Teshuva freaking out need the new clothes for their own feeling of being accepted. Being part of the group although they are not and without having studied Shabbat Halachot. 
If it doesn't work out, they switch to somewhere else and buy new clothes. 
Rapper Shyne is another example and we will see how many hats he is going to collect.

Shyne wearing old Yerushalmi clothes.


  1. He claims his grandmother was an Ethiopian Jew so changed his name to be Jewish sounding. Father pres of Belize to where he was deported from he US--then he ends up in Israel and thinks a "costume" makes him Haredi? Look at his new video (June 2011) he is so phoney!

  2. B"H

    His grandmother on his father's or mother's side ? Furthermore, Ethiopean Jews in Israel are not accepted by the Ashkenazi community until they undergo an Orthodox conversion.

    Years ago, when the Ethiopian Jews moved to Israel in masses, they refused such a conversion and it was the Sephardi Chief Rabbi in those days, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, who stated that they are Jewish. However, until today, Ashkenazim don't recognize Ethiopians as Jews.

    Many Ethiopians came to Israel with their Gentile spouses. There has been so much interemarriage that many children are not Jewish at all.

    I don't know whether Shyne actually underwent an Orthodox conversion.

    1. my friend,belzer yeshiva won't accept him if he didn't do orthodox conversion

  3. why do you care about them so much? it's just their lives not yours buddy,take care of your own life seriously lol

  4. B"H

    Well, whether Shyne is Jewish is very questionable. It looks like as if he is not.

  5. B"H

    Good point with the conversion and Belz. The only problem is that there are no reports about conversion and I think that even Shyne doesn't claim so.

    There are Ba'al Teshuva Yeshivot (and also Belz has such a Yeshiva in Jerusalem) who sometimes let people through in order to study for a limited amount of time.

    1. well...maybe belzers also do conversion?(since they also do kiruv) otherwise he can't be israeli since he's not born jewish LOL!

  6. B"H

    The Belzer don't do conversions and I wouldn't really call their Yeshiva for Ba'alei Teshuva "Kiruv". They simply take people in by giving them a chance and some learning.

    By the way, there is a law in Israel: Conversions may only be carried out by Batei Din recognized by the State of Israel ! This does not apply to those converting with the Edah or, in some cases, Rabbi Karelitz (Bnei Brak), as those converts may suffer severe problems asking for Aliyah.

    1. huh? so how did converts exactly join those hasidic dynasties?

  7. B"H

    Regarding Israel:

    Satmar probably demands a conversion with the Edah. I even know an "old" (original) Chabadnik who married a convert. He demanded that his future wife has to convert with the Edah.

    Others convert with Rabbi Karelitz in Bnei Brak. Converting with the Rabbanut (Chief Rabbinate) is not always the best address and a chassidic group may demand a second conversion with a different Beit Din.

    1. damn,i have a convert(via RCA) friend who's willing to join vizhnitz :-)....

  8. btw i thought hasidims never use internet,but recently,i found a lot of hasidims on facebook LOL! satmar,belz,klausenburg,breslov....etc too many to count LMAO!

  9. he doesn't have to convert,he's born jewish

  10. B"H

    Born Jewish ? This is what many Ethiopian Jews claim but they are actually not. Also children of mixed marriages (where only the father is Jewish) claim their Jewishness. However, there is something called HALACHICALLY JEWISH. And whether Shyne fits in there is up to a Beit Din to decide.

    By the way, where is the "chassidic" guy now ? Not studying in Belz anymore. The Belzer don't let too many outsiders study at their Yeshiva but opened an external branch for some Baalei Teshuva. Among them quite a few nutcases who don't fit in anywhere.

    1. well,i'm not so familiar with him,but a lubavitcher guy told me that he's born jewish,that's all i know lol

    2. personally i don't think dress is a big deal,it's just a way of dressing,they can dress whatever they want to,besides alot of different chassidims wear the same fedora hat lol but yup,join one and quit and join another one blah blah blah...this is silly

  11. Its the part of being a BT eventually one finds him/herself and settles .I went from Chabad, Satmer then finally to Stolin where I remain .
