Despite the claims that there were not riots between Jews and Arabs, some locals did tell me about violence going on. Arab youth throwing stones and bottles near Jerusalem Street. One Jew took out a gun and fired a bullet in the air in order to scare the Arabs and make them run away. However, the police came and arrested the Jew. As far as I heard, no Arab got arrested.
Zfat definitely has a problem with Arabs moving in. Today someone told me that a Jewish landlord from the Canaan neighbourhood rented out his house to Arabs. The Canaan neighbourhood is populated by secular and religious Jews and finding an Arab there is just strange. Furthermore I was told that the percentage of Arab youth marrying Jewish woman has risen in Zfat. Mainly due to Arabs and Jews studying together at the local Michlalah (Academic College).
Jerusalem has been facing the same problem, as more and more Arabs are moving into Jewish neighbourhoods such as Pisgat Ze'ev, Neve Yaakov or onto the French Hill. Those Arabs show up with suitcases full of cash and are willing to pay more rent then any Jewish Israeli. Unfortunately, most Jewish landlords go according to the cash and slowly slowly we will have to face the bad results.
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