
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Iran: The Graves of Mordechai, Esther, Daniel HaNavi and Mishael, Azariah and Chananiya


Rabbi Israel Me'ir Gabbai from "Ohalei Zaddikim" succeeded in receiving a visa for Iran. He traveled to Teheran and further places and prayed at the graves of Habakuk, Mordechai and Esther, and further prophets. He says that there does exist a fear among Jews living in Iran and the situation is not that pleasant.

The grave of Daniel the Prophet in Shush. Rabbi Gabbai found
out that hardly any Jews live in Shush today but many come to visit
and pray at the Kever. 

Rabbi Israel Me'ir Gabbai praying at the grave of Mordechai and Esther.

The Rabbi at the graves of Mishael, Azariah and Chananiya. 

See all photos HERE !

1 comment:

  1. In the center of the ancient city, Dezful, is an unassuming place that is said to be the tomb belonging to the prophet Ezekiel. Dezful is only 20 miles from Susa where Prophet Daniel is resting.
    In Dezful the structure belonging to Ezekiel is respectfully called "Baba Hezgheel", a term of endearment and respect. Considering the fact that no Jew has lived in Dezful for hundreds of years the association is very significant in my view. I wonder if there has been any research in this regard.
