
Thursday, March 31, 2011

The SEFAT EMET on Parashat Tazria - פרשת תזריע

The Torah commentary of the "Sefat Emet"

Photo: Miriam Woelke


The Sefat Emet brings up a great thought on this week's Parashat Tazria. He refers to the human arrogance and it is very true what he says: Every human being should be aware of the fact that EVERYTHING in this world finds its roots in G - D. Those humans accepting this particular fact then know that it was G - d creating all existence and that there is no reason for us to be arrogant. How can anyone be arrogant when absolutely nothing belongs to him but to the Creator ?

Of course, we can claim that we work and it is us making an effort in life. When we finally reach our goals, get university degrees, professions, a new house or car, it was us earning the money and putting work into reaching the goal. On the other hand we have to realize that it was G - d creating us with the strength, intelligence and all our abilities.

The Torah commentary of the "Sefat Emet"

Photo: Miriam Woelke

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