
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Adolf Eichmann's Library in Jerusalem


One morning in 1961, a police officer entered a Jerusalem book store called "Ludwig Mayer Ltd." in Shlomzion HaMalka Street and asked the shop owner, Esther Mayer, for six books. The shop owner was free to choose those six books by herself and the police officer paid a very low price. There was only one condition: The books had to be in German !

One week later, the same police officer entered the book store, returned the six books he had taken the first time, and asked for another six books. All in German and Esther Mayer could choose. The same procedure went on for one month until Esther Mayer asked the police officer for the reason. The officer, however, refused telling her any details.

After three months, the police officer finally told her the big secret and Esther Mayer had to promise not to tell anyone about the book borrowing. The officer told her that those books were for Adolf Eichmann. During his trial in Jerusalem, the police provided him with books in German. Esther Mayer almost fainted and couldn't believe it. Eichmann was using her books ? 

Mayer's family had escaped Germany and from that day she knew about the receipient of the books, she only chose books about Zionism. This was her late revenge to one of the worst Nazis, Adolf Eichmann.

From "Yediot Acharonot" 2 May 2011

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