
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chabad - Meshichistim Videos


Someone sent me the link to this 770 video where some Chabad - Meshichistim have a huge fight with each other. My question is whether anyone can provide a background story.

Almost three years ago, I went to a lecture about Chabad and the lecturer showed us a short video how the Meshichistim in 770 (Crown Heights) prepare the Rebbe House for the Rebbe's prayer service. While still alive, the Rebbe used to come downstairs for his prayers. Until today, the Meshichistim inside 770 still open the doors; just as if the Rebbe was still coming downstairs and walking into his Beit Midrash.

The video we saw at the lecture showed the Meshichistim opening the doors and singing. Suddenly a short glimpse of the Rebbe appeared. We could see him as a kind of ghost on the video in the middle of his Chassidim. Of course it was a photoshop but I would like to know whether this particular video is available on Youtube.



  2. Concerning the fight, it looks more than an argument between some Meshichist idiots. They don't need any background or valid reasons to fight. They just do it when they feel it. They are probably from the Tzfatim, a group of extreme and violent Meshichists from Tzfat, who are known in Chabad as "the Talibans." They have no respect for anyone and no respect for the 770. So it's probable that the fight was beteween moderate Meshichists and Tzfatim.

    As for the video with a man looking as the Rebbe passing in the middle of the chassidim, you can see it here:

    The "Rebbe" appeared after 11 seconde in the video. It show how far the Meshichists can be lunatic. and crazies. Those guys are not sane at all.

  3. B"H


    Thanks so much for the video !!!


    I heard that sometimes, the Zfat Meshichistim are coming to 770 in order to beat up the non - Meshichistim.

    Its so ridiculous because what do the Zfatim care who rules over 770 ? They are in Zfat and, unfortunately, most Chabadnikim in Zfat are totally Meshichist. Even the Chabad Hostel "Ascent" ! Most Rabbis working at ASCENT are Meshichist and the manager, Rabbi Sha'ul Leiter, doesn't publish his ideology and keeps quiet. It is not clear whether he is a Meshichist, too. However, after Mincha, I heard the Rabbi Minyan proclaiming "Yechi Adoneinu .....".

  4. "the Zfat Meshichistim are coming to 770 in order to beat up the non - Meshichistim. " This is their favorite occupation, indeed! When you see a tzfati around, be careful to your teeth! Many people has been sent in hospital by those savage people.

    "Its so ridiculous because what do the Zfatim care who rules over 770 ? They are in Zfat" Tzfat is indeed the biggest Chabad Yeshiva in the world (it has thousand of Yeshiva stuidents) and every year, they receive US visas to spend one full year in New-York studting at 770. It's part of the program. There are some Rabbis who are asking the government to annul their visas and not permit them to come again in New-York, arguing that they came to study but are troublemakers. In fact, Crown Heights is a very quiet neighborhood and Meshichists are generally non-violent. It's only the tzfatim who are looking for fight and action. Even moderate Meshichistim are afraid of them.

    "unfortunately, most Chabadnikim in Zfat are totally Meshichist" Tzfat is the Meshichist bastion in Eretz Yisroel. There are everywhere and they have the biggest Chabad Yeshivah in the world. So, we can assume that 8 out of 10 Chabadnikim living in tzfat are Meshichistim.

    "Rabbi Sha'ul Leiter, doesn't publish his ideology and keeps quiet. It is not clear whether he is a Meshichist, too. However, after Mincha, I heard the Rabbi Minyan proclaiming "Yechi Adoneinu ....."" If it is his minyan and that "Yechi" is sang, so he is probably a meshichist. If he keeps it quiet, it's normal: Ascend is a Chabad mainstream program. That means that the Chabad establishment is carefully watching him. So he is not free to say what he wants. But in private and when he is in his minyan, he can express himself. There are many Chabad rabbis in this case. If they manage a mainstream Chabad shul or are engaged by mainstream Chabad program, most people won't know they are Meshichists, because they may have been asked to keep a low profile in public. But I kbnow that most of them will tell the truth if you ask them on which part of Chabad spectrum they are.

  5. B"H

    I always thought that Rabbi Leiter keeps quiet in order to receive donations from both Chabad sides. ASCENT is in deep dire straits and every Shekel / Dollar is highly welcomed.

    They don't proclaim the Rebbe as Meshiach in their daily evening lectures but teach TANYA. However, most of their Rabbis wear a Meshichist Kipa and the most extremist in this respect is, in my eyes, Rabbi Eli Kaye who does the Torah Codes. I heard him once screaming into the phone "The Rebbe, Melech HaMeshiach" when his secretary spkoe to a Torah Code client.

    They are nice guys at ASCNT but some Rabbis are really off when it comes to the Rebbe.

  6. B"H

    I know the Meshichist Yeshiva in Zfat. There are at least two big buildings located in HaAri Street. Between the Central Bus Station and ASCENT. Right across the Zfat Academic College and, a few months ago, there was a war between the Arab students studying at the college and the Meshichistim across. In that case, however, the Meshichistim were right.

  7. "I always thought that Rabbi Leiter keeps quiet in order to receive donations from both Chabad sides. ASCENT is in deep dire straits and every Shekel / Dollar is highly welcomed. " It's another reason to keep quiet. Many Chabad Rabbis and programm are financially supported by people who will never give their money to meshichist peoples. So when you are a meshichist receiving donation, you need to keep quiet about your private belief.

    I have a similar story. Some years ago, I was studying in a Chabad Yeshivah, somewhere in Central Europe. The Rabbi was really a good person and I learned a lot with him. Once, he was giving a Bar Mitzvah class. One mother, after the class, asked him "Is it not about the Rebbe that it is said he is the Moshiach?" He responded, "Of course, he is!" It was then that I discovered he was a Meshichist. But he always keeps it quiet untill now, he does not wear a "Yechi" on his yarmulke, he does not wear a pin on his coat, he does not display the Meshichist flag, he does not proclaim "Yechi" in his minyan, etc., he is quite a normal person. But when asked, he will tell the truth, without entering in debates. he knows that pushing a meshichist agenda will cost him his position. Many Chabad Rabbis are in that case.

  8. B"H

    I should of posted this link under this blog post but here is another video for you to see:
