
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Debate Jewish Rabbi versus Minister Christian


  1. The poor X-tian. There is not a single question he could seriously answer.

    I also made the experience on many occasions. I have dozen of e-mail exchanges with X-tians who wanted to debate with me. When they are trapped and see that you know their religion quite well and the Torah as well, they are turning in round and making a circus WITHOUT answering any questions.

    What I find remarkable is that at the end of the video debate, the X-tian admited that he had no answers to the questions and that he agreed that there were plenty of mistakes in their "New Testament", BUT, despite all this, he still wants to believe in that falsehood. This is typical of so many X-tians. They know they are belieiving in falsehood, but because of the habit or some other reasons, they are not really to leave it.

    X-tianity is not a religion. It's a system of belief based on a fear: if you don't believe in J, you're going to hell. And because of that, even when they have doubts or know that it's falsehood, they're fearing to leave, in case if.

  2. B"H

    Most xtians know that their four books of the NT contradict each other, where written by different people and are not always telling the truth but are based on assumptions. I am asking myself why xtians then still believe in all their stuff.

  3. Moreover, the 4 four books were written long ago after Yoshke died. The four athors didn't even see Yoshke when he was alive. So, they are writting a "Holy" book on hearsay of events that took place dozen of years before they were born, and are presenting it as an inspired book. The most funny in the devbate was when the Rabbi pointed out that in the New Testament, the Tomb of the Patriarch was in...Shechem. And there are many other geographical mistakes in the NT. Even Yoshke, who is believed to be G-d by his followers, made incredible mistakes. For instances, he is speaking about Zacharias son of Barachias, whom the Jews slew between the temple and the altar, while the Tanach says clearly that it was not this Zacharias but another one, Zechariah the son of Jehoidah, and not Barachias (in fact, Berachias was actually the father of Zachariah HaNavi). How can G-d make such a mistake? How can a "revealed and inspired" book, "given by G-d" can contain such errors?

    To point out to other serious mistakes and innacuracies, read here:

    I'm very astonished that despite all this, they still run with thei non-sense.

  4. B"H

    For those who had been asking who the Rabbis is leading the discussion with a Christian minister -

    The Rabbi's name is Yosef Mizrachi and he has a website:
