
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The "Oslo Explosion"

The assassin: Anders Behring Breivik

Source: Vlad Tepes


After surfing the WWW, I came to the conclusion that all news reports basically sound the same. The truth is that, at the moment, the Oslo police keep quiet and none of us has any answers. And when people don't have answers, they invent all kinds of theories. 

The world media has nothing new to tell so far but there are some Scandinavian bloggers providing interesting details about the "Oslo Blast". 

As the majority of the media, the British “Telegraph” sees in Breivik a "Christian Fundamentalist". Probably only due to the fact that Breivik wrote "Views: Christian" on his Facebook page. Personally I cannot imagine that Anders Behring Breivik acted as a "Loner". If so, where did he get the massive amount of explosives from ?

In the meantime, the liberal leftist English speaking Blogosphere developed and invented its own Conspiracy Theories . Parts of the left - wing movement spread the ridiculous rumour that Anders Behring Breivik actually is the famous Norwegian blogger FJORDMAN.

Fjordman used to run his blog in 2005 and became famous through his detailed and professional articles about the Muslim World and the dangers of radical Islam spreading all over the world. Later, he stopped blogging but has written many guests posts all over the place, as Fjordman seems to be a real expert.

I just hope that, from now on, not every blogger writing about the dangers of radical Islam and its goals is now considered a "Nazi" or "Nationalist" !

Here are two collections of the FJORDMAN articles: “Klein Verzet” and“Tundra Tabloids” !

A few Oslo eye - witnesses put amateur videos on Youtube but the site took down all live videos due to "too much violence". 
The Scandinavian "Dagbladet" still published an interesting video from minutes after the blast:

Breiviks Facebook Page before it was blocked:

This page cannot be viewed on Facebook any longer !


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