
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rothschild Boulevard inhabitants are slowly freaking out


Tonight, the second Israeli TV channel reported: The inhabitants of Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard are slowly freaking out because for the past month, the tent protesters have been doing their private shitting businesses in the gardens and entrances of the private building in the street. There are Dixie plastic toilets set up for the demonstrators but they are disgusting and insufficient. Apparently the people living in tents prefer sitting behind a tree in the neighbour's garden.

Bongo and guitar noise until 3 or 4am in the morning. Tel Aviv's Junkies and criminals have been gathering in Rothschild now and started moving into some tents. The whole area turned into a garbage dumb and when the inhabitants complain to the demonstrators, they are being shown the finger. 

People who live in Rothschild have to get up in the morning and go to work but don't have any peace and night. Noise, screams, singing. This doesn't surprise me because I see the demonstrators sleeping until noon. They don't work but demand financial support from the government.

Yesterday at around 12pm at Rothschild Boulevard: How about going to work and earning a living ?

Photos: Miriam Woelke


  1. There are showing their true faces! They don't do anything during their days, there were just looking for an occasion to cross their arms. It's laziness which led to the protests, and not their revendications.

  2. A very productive days for those individuals indeed.

    Give it a few more weeks and this protest will be over.

    It's a shame some of them go around in public dressed in such a manner!

  3. B'H

    Why are you so surprised? There is no "dress code" in Israel, especially in Tel Aviv. (The excuse is that it's hot weather in Tel Aviv.)

  4. You mean no "dress code" within the secular community.

    Where I live the women within our community dress tznius and that includes wearing black stockings in summer.

    I could never walk around dressed like that in public let alone within the privacy of my own home.

  5. B"H

    Dress Code ?

    It depends where you are. In most areas in Jerusalem you don't necessarily have to keep a dress code when you are not part of haredi society. But even if, there are so many varieties of Haredim and everyone has its own dress code. Just look at the Gerrer women in Bnei Brak. They dress very modern and the skirts are not the longest.:-)))
    Or younger Chabad women or Chabad girls are dressed in a modern way. Also here, the skirts are not too long and all kinds of colours are being worn.

    In Tel Aviv, however, you can do whatever you want.:-)

  6. In most Orthodox communities skirts must be 4 inches below the knee whilst seated and no slits in skirts.

    Some women within the Chabad community will wear denim skirts. Others not so as they believe that denim is inappropriate for a Bas Yisroel.

    Then you have some women like myself whom wear black skirts and stockings all year round. No flesh coloured tights but black ones. Flashy and bright colours are not appropriate.

    Skirts tend to be on the longer side so long as your skirt doesn't drag along the ground.

    Some people refer to the 'dress code' of what they see people within their community wearing as to what the standard is within that community. Which is why at Satmar weddings you'll see an array of black.

    Then again... I'm sure you know all of this quite well.

  7. B"H

    Some years back, I used to be in long skirts too. Not only black but dark colours and the length was almost down to the ground.

    In very closed haredi societies you have the unwritten (or sometimes written in the Takanot) dress code. I had the experience that today, quite a few women slightly get away and dress more modern. Even in the Toldot Aharon you can recognize the more modern women right away. Not only by their makeup but also by the way the dress or their haedcover style.

    I don't know about the US or England but in Israel it very much depends. Of course, if someone is Satmar then it goes without saying that there is a firm dress code. Either in Rebbe Zalman Leib's as well as in the two Rebbe Aharon communities (Jerusalem + Bnei Brak).
