
Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Amana Muna" or "The Internet Murder"


These days, people from abroad love to claim that all those female prisoners who are among the 1027 terrorists being released in the "Shalit Deal" must be innocent. Reason: Because they are women.

Let me tell you one thing: If you met one of those women, they wouldn't hesitate for one second of either cutting your throat or blowing you up and stick your intestines onto the next car antenna. 

 Example: The female killer of 16 - year - old OFIR RACHUM. 

Ofir Rachum

In January 2001, the 16 - year - old teenager Ofir Rachum was found dead near Ramallah. A few months before, he had met a young woman in an Internet chatroom and, apparently, fallen in love with her. At least twice, Ofir had made his way from his hometown Ashkelon to Jerusalem where he met the 20 - year - old woman. When he asked her why she spoke Hebrew with an Arab accent, she had a few answers for him. One was that she had just made Aliyah from Morocco.

In January 2001, again Ofir took the bus to Jerusalem where the woman suggested a little trip. Not knowing the area, Ofir didn't realize that the woman took him to Ramallah. On the way, a second car stopped and a Palestinian terrorist killed Ofir. The terrorist was a friend of the young woman whose real name is Amana Muna. It was Amana Muna who had arranged the killing of Ofir Rachum. 

The day before yesterday, Amana Muna was released from jail and sent to Gaza. Gaza was her choice and not a destination called Ramallah. Not only was she responsible for the murder of Ofir Rachum but while being in jail, Amana Muna had harassed and even tortured her Palestinian inmates. Now she was afraid of their revenge and chose being sent to Gaza where not too many people know her. If she had returned to Ramallah she may have ended up with a cut throat and dumped into a trash can. 

Interview with the father of Ofir Rachum regarding the "Shalit - Deal"

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