
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Go to work after making Aliyah !


I have seen too many English speakers from the US, Canada or England making Aliyah, receiving big cash from "Nefesh be'Nefesh" but not looking for a job. Especially young people in their early 20ies tend to see the big money. The amount alone seems to be very tempting. The kids make Aliyah, get the cash and buy new clothes, new phones, new everthing but don't look for a job. 

Plenty of new immigrants to Israel just hang around, spend the money and if nothing further works out, they are returning to their former countries. Despite how all Aliyah organizations keep on praising Aliyah and living in Israel, it isn't easy to make a living here but you should, at least, make an effort. Too many new Olim don't and end up flying back to New York or Jersey.


  1. B"H

    Maybe its a transition phase. They might be looking at different communities and seeing whether or not they could actually make Aliyah.

    The cultural differences and comforts many young individuals and families are so use to they wouldn't consider giving them up.

    So when things get hard they leave.

    Making Aliyah is a big decision for many. There is no point in making Aliyah if you do not have the financial means to do so.

    Either that or become accustom to living below one means.

  2. B"H

    Nefesh be'Nefesh is paying its participants loads of money making it very easy to come on Aliyah. However, the real challenge begins once the money is used up and the new immigrant has to make his own living.

  3. Why wouldn't Kibbutz be an option? Are they not popular enough?

  4. B"H

    First of all, the Kibbutzim are only accepting new people in when they are at a certain age. I think not older than 35 or maybe 40. But check this out on an official basis and don't take my guess for granted.

    Kibbutzim are very popular and many Israelis like to join. I just recently wrote a whole report after I spoke to the manager of the Kibbutz Volunteer's Office in Tel Aviv. Never mind volunteers but I also asked her, whether there are many Israelis looking for a Kibbutz membership and the response was YES, there are.

    I have been a volunteer as well as an Ulpan student in my past and to me Kibbutz always presents an ideology. So, I suggest that you check whether your ways of thinking may fit into a Kibbutz. Of course, there are different Kibbutz systems but still, a Kibbutz also means sharing and that others may decide over you. The best way to check it out is staying on a Kibbutz for a while and see how it goes.

    Many people see the Kibbutz as a kind of security. You have your job, your food, your laundry done, your medical issues taken care of, etc. Nevertheless, the system has changed and in order to find out details you should speak to your Aliyah organizer or better to the Jewish Agency or the Kibbutz Movement.

    I would say that a Kibbutz is an option but, as I said, it depends on you and your expectations. Further, the Kibbutzim have requirements too and they ask for certain tests and documents.

  5. well hope i won't be one of those people lol
