
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Haredi Demonstration prevented Christian Missionaries from baptizing Jews


It is more than disgusting and a total "Chilul Hashem - Desecration of G - d's Name" what Christian missionaries keep on trying in Israel.

Today, on Shabbat, a haredi demonstration together with the anti - missionary organization "Yad Le'Achim" prevented a mass baptizing of Jews at an international congress center in Tel Aviv.

These missionaries are not ashamed of destroying Jewish souls and the ones whose soul will be destroyed in the end by G - d himself are the ones of the idol - worshipers themselves.


  1. B'H

    Yasher Koach to those courageous and concerned yidden who trully care for the spiritual safety of our people! There should be much more of such Jews!

  2. B"H

    I may have gone to the demonstration if I had know about it.

    Some years back, during Sukkot, me and a friend participated in an illegal anti - missionary demonstration in front of Jerusalem's Binyane'i Ha'Uma. We handed out pamphlets but the missionaries called the police. The cops gave us an hour to demonstrate and then we had to leave.

  3. B'H

    "We handed out pamphlets but the missionaries called the police. The cops gave us an hour to demonstrate and then we had to leave."

    If the police knew what was at stake, they would have reacted otherly.

    Poor Jews! They don't even recognize who the ennemy is.

  4. B"H

    Every Sukkot, missionaries from all over the world participate in their congress at the Binyane'i Ha'Uma. Even Netanyahu, a politician from the national religious party and the mayor of Jerusalems make a speech. Especially the mayor of Jerusalem wants to promote tourism and welcomes all the Christians. They bring money and are thus more important for the town than the Jewish inhabitants.
