
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pedophiles in Nachlaot (Jerusalem)


Last Friday's edition of Israel's no. 1 newspaper "Israel Hayom - Israel Today" a long article about a pedophile gang operating in Jerusalem's Nachlaot neighbourhood was published. First I couldn't believe what I read. Nachlaot ? The rather romantic side of Jerusalem located next to the Machane Yehudah Market ? Pedophiles in Nachlaot ? How can this be ? I have lived in Nachlaot and also worked there but didn't notice anything. Who can look behind the walls and closed curtains ? Crime can happen anywhere. Even in the most romantic location on earth. 

According to "Israel Hayom", between 50 - 100 children have become victims of a pedophile gang in Nachlaot. The paper didn't mention whether also kids from the local haredi community are involved. However, according to some parents, a few gang members are not Jewish but, once again, the paper failed to report about the origin of those pedophiles. 

Many parents spoke about their children becoming victims but the police claim that too many of those parents tried to solve the problem themselves. Further, the police state that some of the accused pedophiles don't know each other and thus, could not have worked together as a gang. There may be only one accused person of being guilty but if so, he didn't abuse 50 - 100 children but maybe "only" a couple. In other words, the police don't believe that all those children were abused and the cops state that some accusations may only be "Lashon HaRah - Slander" against those people being accused to be pedophiles.


Photos: Miriam Woelke

See further details as well as the newspaper article translated into English here:


  1. Finally someone with a little common sense. Many
    of the accused are innocent and because of the
    mass hysteria, have had their lives ruined. I saw posted on Nachlaot communities this post of someone else with common sense. Most of want is posted has been incitement by a few individuals.
    People that know the truth are afraid to talk.
    One person that tried to quit things down had
    violence done to them to intimidate them. Thank you for your post. I don't know how many childen have been molested but I do know that many of the people being accused are innocent. Thanks

  2. B"H

    I can neither judge nor say too much because I don't know the people involved. The newspapers don't tell anything whether the children belong to the Nachlaot haredi community or are national religious or secular. Maybe they come from all different kinds of backgrounds.

    Furthermore the papers don't mention who the accused are. Everything is kept secret and anonymous.

    The accusations may be true or not but I find it a kind of hard to believe that a mass rape is going on without no one noticing it.
