
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thanks to the Readership !!!


I have noticed that my counter shows more than 500,000 hits now. Therefore I would like to say THANK YOU to all readers of this blog !

To tell you the truth: I know I could do much more but, at the moment, I don't have that much time available as I would like to have. However, this is going to change in another couple of months. Until then, I do as much as time allows me to do.:-)


  1. B'H

    Thank you too!

    Your blog is enjoyable, eventhough as a Chosid I cannot agree with everything you write :-) but keep on the good work, as there are definitely a lot of people who need your writing skills!

  2. B"H

    We the Readers, Thank YOU.

    Your dedication to the Blog is remarkable.
    And it is very informative, light and dynamic, not focusing only in 1 same subject.

    We like the diversity too.

    May you reach higher (as you wish).

  3. B"H

    Thank you very much for the kind words !
