
Friday, February 10, 2012

Thoughts on Parashat Yitro

Nachlaot / Jerusalem

Photo: Miriam Woelke

Yesterday, I was celebrating my birthday according to the worldly calendar. My Jewish birthday will be this Shabbat, Parashat Yitro. Kabbalistic listerature teaches us that a Jew should always look at the Torah Parasha of the week he was born. This particular Parasha tells him a lot about himself including the task he may have to fulfill in this world. However, there are kabbalistic sources claiming that we shouldn't concentrate on the Parasha of the week we were born but the Parasha of the week we were conceived by our parents. But be honest: Who could ask his parents when they actually had sexual relations leading to pregnancy and eventually to our birthday ?

The Parasha of the week I was born is YITRO. In order to find all my Tikunim in this world, I just need to look into Parashat Yitro. As soon as I take a look, I already feel depressed because look at the amount of Mitzvot in this Parasha. Let alone the "Ten Commandments - Aseret HaDibrot" being given by G - d. Can a human being find his Tikun in Parashat Yitro ? Definitely, but I still feel overwhelmed. Couldn't G - d have given me an easier Parasha ? How about my favourite Parashat Noach ? 

I am not complaining, as I like my Mazal "Aquarius" and couldn't be anything else. I totally fit in although Jews don't depend on star constellations and horoscopes. However, Parashat Yitro sometimes rather feels like a huge burden.

One of the blog readers wrote me in an e - mail that everyone should look for the best way connecting to G - d. My way would be writing about Judaism and thus inform many people about our religion and maybe inspire various Jews. Potentials / talents are G - dgiven and every Jew is different and has different tasks in life. Instead of running after my haredi past by either trying to escape or fit in, couldn't it be that my real task is writing about Judaism ? Not squeezing myself into the Toldot Aharon or Satmar but connecting to G - d through studying Torah and writing about it. Others connect to G - d by playing music, constantly reading Tehillim (Psalms) or meditation. All I need is a pen, a piece of paper or a laptop. 

I just hope that G - d looks at it the same way ... :-)


  1. Congratulations for your Yom Huledet ; may you have health and happiness in life.

    And from your blog which I found out by chance (or destiny) and then subscribed, I really have learnt a LOT and did become interested in searching sometimes for more. But firstly it is all thanks to Shearim.

    As for asking parents' of the week of one's conception, I dont think it's disrespectful specially if this reason (the parasha) is given. But can it be a precise answer (or just count back the 9 months )? Whereas the birth date is usually unquestionable.
    I had a late birth, it was an emergency cesarean. And by now I have nobody to ask how many days/weeks in fact I was "trapped"; I already forgot.
    So, some are born before, others after, but it's at birth that life really begins, no?

  2. B"H

    I am still following the concept of one's Hebrew birthday. This should be precise enough, as I even know the exact hour of my birthday.:-)
