
Friday, March 23, 2012

Back to Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Archeology Garden (Ophel)

Photo: Miriam Woelke

It looks like I am missing a certain kind of insanity, the air, the environment, friends and Mea Shearim and therefore I decided to move back to Jerusalem. Hopefully before summer starts and if not, I am going to move during the summer months. 

I have lived in Jerusalem for many years until I left in order to try out some other parts of the country. Zfat, Tiberias and Tel Aviv. Although most Jerusalemites neither like nor understand Tel Aviv, I always felt happy here. While living in the "city which never sleeps", you basically have to create your own Shabbat and Yom Tov atmosphere. So far, I haven't even seen anything hinting to the upcoming Pessach (Passover) holiday. 

I have been planning to move into a bigger apartment anyway and first thought about remaining in Tel Aviv or moving to Ramat Gan; right at the border to Bnei Brak. Somehow I wasn't sure if I should do so and thought about different options. Someone told me to move to Ramat Beit Shemesh, others told me to move to Zfat. However, I am a person who loves big cities and why not returning to Jerusalem ? Most of my friends live there and don't forget about the kind of insanity you only find in Jerusalem.:-) 

I won't move into the Toldot Aharon backyard but rather look for a place to live in the city center. Nachlaot has become tremendously expensive due to all the Americans moving in. Kiryat Yovel is too far away and I can't stand the German Colony / Katamon mentality.:-) On the other hand, I wouldn't mind the French Hill but prefer the city center.

Nevertheless, if anyone has an offer at the Toldot Aharon backyard, I may still take it into consideration but wouldn't last much longer than a week or two.:-)))

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