
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Tiberias Tourist Industry: "Tourism instead of local"s


Too many Israeli mayors only look at the money tourism ships in, instead of taking the locals and their needs seriously. Thousands of tourists are an extremely import industry for cities like Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Eilat. But also smaller towns love to earn millions and do anything in order to get the tourists into their hotels. Example: The small town of Tiberias at the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) in northern Israel.

After a year and a couple of months I was visiting Tiberias last week, and there were two things I noticed: 1. The small old city right down at the lake includes many old houses. A lot of them have just turned into ruins no one is taking care of. Tiberias has never been a place for great investors and the town's present mayor apparently prefers building more tourists sites instead of preserving old houses from a past which seems to be forgotten. Today, everyone just sees the money. The main road downtown, Hagalil Street, got a new outdoor shopping mall including pillars, a roof and benches. I admit that this looks great but how about investing in housing for the local population ?

2. The unemployment rate is extremely high and there is no light at the tunnel at sight. In the past, former mayor Moshe Zahar took care of the Tverianim (inhabitants of Tiberias) for many centuries. However, the town's present mayor Zohar Oved has more become a symbol of corruption than taking care of the local's needs. Tiberias depends on tourism and needs money. It doesn't seem to bother the mayor that the town's market is filthy and looks like a garbage dump. No one is creating jobs and various hotels are not able to provide sufficient employment. On the contrary, as many hotels employ Druze cleaning staff. 

Old houses have turned into ruins

The old city is located around the lake whereas the new city is built upon the hills nearby. You either climb up to every single street or you take the bus.

The Sea of Galilee (Kinneret).

The brandnew shopping shopping street design in Hagalil Street.

Downtown Tiberias - Hagalil Street

Copyright / Photos: Miriam Woelke

Fourty years since the Munich Massacre


Fourty years went by since Palestinian terrorists killed eleven members of the Israeli Olympic team in September 1972. When we look at the Olympics today, we may notice that the Munich Massacre seems to be forgotten, as now, even more than ever, money counts and nothing else.

What do the relatives of the victims think today and what kind of mistakes were made while trying to negotiate with the terrorists ?

FRUMLIFE has put together a very informative article.

Photos from the EICHMANN Exhibition in Tel Aviv


I suppose that I don't need to explain too much about the SS - murderer Adolf Eichmann. Tomorrow, 31 May 2012, will be the 50th anniversary of his execution in the Israeli town of Ramle (near Tel Aviv) taking place in 1962. Two years before (in 1960) and also in May, Adolf Eichmann was captured by Mossad agents and transferred from Buenos Aires (Argentina) to Israel. In April 1961, the "Eichmann Trial" started in Jerusalem. Germany didn't like it too much hearing that a high ranking SS officer is standing trial in the Jewish State of Israel. Who knows what secrets Eichmann could reveal. Stories about his old Nazi colleagues. Many of those colleagues were never taken to court and now (in 1961) kept high position in Germany's economical as well as political world.

For the first time, the Mossad is publishing documents as well as Eichmann belongings he carried when he was captured. From the beginning of February until 20 April this year, a special exhibition was taking place at the “Beit HaTefuzot – Diaspora Museum” in Tel Aviv. I went to see it, paid 15 Shekels (approx. 4 Dollar) entrance fee and was allowed to take pictures. Because of allowing me to take photos I would like to give lots of credit to the “Beit HaTefuzot" ! 

The Eichmann exhibition was taking place in two rooms. Lots of documents and items were on display. Most items are belongings of the Mossad describing the capture of the Nazi officer. A suitcase full of faked Argentinian license platese or the passports of the Mossad agents. One of the agents entered Argentina with false passport and name "Ze'ev Zichroni". Later on, he left the country under a different name and passport. In the meantime, Eichmann was captured and his photo was put into the false passport. This way, Eichmann got a faked Israeli passport with the name "Ze'ev Zichroni". He was claimed being a crew member of Israel's ELAL Airline and this way smuggled out of Argentina. The needle drugging Eichmann during the trip is also on display. Also on display: The bullet proofed box where Eichmann was sitting during his trial (see picture below). 

Copyright / Photo: Miriam Woelke

 Part of the exhibition: The glass box from the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem

Faked Israeli passport from Eichmann. The Mossad smuggled the mass murderer out of Argentina by using the name "Ze'ev Zichroni". 

Private Eichmann items: ID - card, ID - card from his job at the German MERCEDES company in Buenos Aires. Furthermore, a cigarette holder, a comb, the keys to his home and a small pocket knife.

Copyright / Photos: Miriam Woelke


May I re - use a postal stamp ?


Most of us know the situation: We are receiving a letter delivered by the postman and suddenly we notice that the post office forgot to put a postmark over the stamp. Are we then allowed to re - use the stamp ? 

Halacha tells us not to re - use the stamp, as this would be GNIVAH (Theft). The first person paying for the stamp and sending out the letter was paying for the delivery service carried out by the post office. Thus the post office received the money and sent out the postman. Meaning, the service is paid for and if you want to send your own personal letter by re - using the stamp, you would be stealing from the post office. Therefore it is not allowed to re - use such a stamp.

Picture of the Day

Great name for a taylor:-) 
All my "Sesame Street" memories are coming up now.

Seen in Jerusalem / Photo: Miriam Woelke

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A model of the SEFAT EMET's Beit Midrash

A model of the Gerrer (Gur) Beit Midrash in Gur / Poland. The original building was built by the Sefat Emet and existed until the Germans destroyed it during the Second World War. 

You can find today's model off Jaffa Road in Jerusalem. Near the Machane Yehudah Market on the way down to Ge'ulah. 

Photo: Miriam Woelke

Being pushed to Shiurim


Last week I spent a couple of days at the Chabad hostel ASCENT in Zfat / northern Israel. The hostel is a great place I have to say and I always like going there. Not because it is cheap but due to the atmosphere. Furthermore I like certain people working at Ascent as Big Mo (Rabbi Mordechai Siev) or Eli Naiditch. 

If you are staying at Ascent during the week, you will be constantly reminded of participating in classes (Shiurim). In the morning, at noon and in the evening at 8.30pm. In general these classes are supposed to be voluntarily and no one is actually forcing you to participate. When I was there last (more than a year ago), me and some other guests tried to escape certain Shiurim, as the teachers were just boring. As a matter of fact, we were always presented the same content every single evening: TANYA, and most of the volunteer teachers didn't seem to have a deeper clue of what they were teaching.

However, this time, it got even worse. One woman working at the reception was constantly running after me. Why I wanted to walk around in Zfat when there was a Shiur. Why I didn't participate in this and that class ? Why I am so busy doing other things ? 

Honestly, this particular woman almost destroyed my mood and, on the second day, I was ready to leave. In the morning and in the evening she was after me stalking around. I had come to Zfat to relax for a few days. Walking around in the old city, synagogues, anything. However, I didn't go to Ascent in order to be told what to do and to dedicate all my time to the hostel. 

In fact I got fed up and I am considering not to stay there anymore but finding another accomodation at my future stay in Zfat. I think that I am old enough making up my own plans and I definitely don't depend on being pushed around because a receptionist turns out to be a control freak.

I truly love Ascent but if I am going to stay there again, it won't me more than a night or two.

Shomrei Emunim Rebbe woke up


The Rebbe of Chassidut SHOMREI EMUNIM, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Roth, fainted in his home yesterday. He was taken to hospital and his group members started immediate prayers for a Refuah Shlemah (complete recovery). Today the Rebbe woke up in hospital and was surprised seeing doctors and nurses around him, as he wasn't aware of his breakdown. Afterwards he washed his hands, put on Tefillin and spoke for twenty minutes with his grandson Rabbi Aharon Geldzaehler.

All Shomrei Emunim members are asked to continue praying for the health of their Rebbe but it was also announced that the Rebbe is not in any dangerous condition anymore. 

Source: Be'Chadrei HaCharedim

In the past I participated a few times in the Tish of the Shomrei Emunim Rebbe at his synagogue in Mea Shearim Street in Jerusalem. An almost tiny place with a Ezrat Nashim (women's side) which is not easy to find. 

Rebbe Avraham Chaim Roth has the custom of starting his Erev Shabbat Tish rather late. The Tish itself goes on for a few hours. Plenty of Haredim come to participate and once I heard that the Rebbe used to be quite friendly with the Baba Sali. 

The women's side of the synagogue is even smaller than the men's section downstairs. When I was there last, quite an amount of women was hanging all over the wooden Mechitzah and I thought that everything would just collapse and we end up downstairs.:-)


After the holiday

Downtown Jerusalem / Agrippas Street at Night

Photo: Miriam Woelke


Shabbat and Shavuot are over and already yesterday, I underwent a CT - scan regarding my injured meniscus. Next week I am getting the results and obviously all kinds of treatments. Until then I have time moving into a new apartment. Despite some painful moments, I am able to walk around and even travel. I am not that handicapped yet, Baruch Hashem.:-)

After far more than a year, me and a friend went to a Shabbat meal at Rabbi Mordechai Machlis here in Jerusalem. It was agreat event and so different from the Tel Aviv Shabbat atmosphere. If there is any at all.:-) The walk through Mea Shearim was so nice. Warm weather and hundreds of haredi families were going for a walk. The only negative point was that Jews cannot take pictures on Shabbat. Otherwise I could provide some great photos. 

On Shavuot I was basically resting a lot due to my leg. Furthermore I was worried about the scan and injections. So, my holiday wasn't that spiritual at all.:-) 

However, I am going back to Mea Shearim today in order to take some photos. The American haredi congress against the Internet has reached haredi society in Jerusalem. Mea Shearim and the nearby Ge'ulah neighbourhood are full of Pashkevilim against the Internet saying that Haredim would just get lost or even disappear into Facebook or iPhone. Various Rabbis claim to protect Yiddishkeit for the future generations but everyone should mention that the Internet is not only negative but has many positive aspects.

I am going to take pictures of a few Pashkevilim and you can judge yourself.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

No cemetery but cheese from Zfat


This afternoon, I was on my way walking down to the famous cemetery of Zfat (Safed). The sun was burning and it was terribly hot. As ususal, I took plenty of photos while walking through Zfat. 

As I was trying to find my way through all those alleyways in the old city, I ended up in front of the house of one of the two local cheese manufacturer, "Kadosh Cheese". The door was open and I expected finding myself in some kind of a cheese store. I was surprised seeing people sitting at a wooden table and having coffee. The shop was not a shop at all but looked like a bigger kitchen. Customers were welcomed to sit down, have coffee and taste all kinds of cheese and olives. I love fresh cheese and, in the end, bought some French cheese as well as homemade goat cheese. Everything just melting on your tongue. Fresh cheese for Shavuot and I just hope that I can transport everything in a save manner to Jerusalem tomorrow. Without anything melting or making a mess.:-)

Having bought the cheese, I quit going to the cemetery but rather took pictures from far away. I went back to my accomodation in order to put the cheese into the fridge. Of course, I couldn't resist tasting some of the delicious cheese but I still have enough left for sharing it with a friend on Shavuot.

A Camembert

Creamy goat cheese

Photos: Miriam Woelke

The inner meaning of Shavuot


On Saturday night and Sunday, the Jews celebrate the festival of Shavuot (weeks). In Israel we only celebrate one day (until Sunday night). Abroad, most Jews have the custom of keeping two days.

On Sivan 6th , G - d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai. G – d reminds us several times in the Torah that the Torah itself is eternal and cannot be replaced by anything else. G - d and His Torah do not depend on time, as we do (Bnei Yissachar). After Adam and Eve (Adam and Chava) ate from the Tree of Knowledge, G – d changed the human DNA and made us mortal.

How do we approach Shavuot today ? How can we get exited at all without having been at Mount Sinai when the Torah was given ?
First of all, we do have the concept in Judaism that any souls (Neshamot) ever been created or will be created in the future, have been at Mount Sinai. All of us were there including the converts to Judaism. Before G – d gave the Torah to the Jews, He went to all the nations and asked if they would like to receive the Torah (see Midrash). The nations refused, as according to the Torah, murder, theft, adultery, not keeping kosher etc. are forbidden. However, the other nations did not want to give up their old habits and no changes in society whatsoever. Only the Jews said NA'ASEH VE NISHMA – Let's hear and we will do. The Jews said yes without knowing the conditions (Midrash).

The Vilna Gaon said that actually there were some people among the nations who did want to receive the Torah but G – d only asked their kings who refused. According to the Vilna Gaon, those people are the converts to Judaism today.

How do we prepare ourselves for Shavuot ?
First of all, we should internalize the Torah. We need to understand that it is not an ancient book which does not apply to me today. Rabbi Meir Weiner once said at a shiur (class) that each of us should look at the Torah as if it only speaks for himself. This thought might help us to understand the meaning of Shavuot in our days.

Everybody should spiritually prepare himself for this holiday and then we are able to reach higher and higher level and do important Tikkunim of the spiritual worlds. Furthermore, Shavuot is a Chizuk, a strengthening of the souls for all generations (Kuntres Dibrot of Toldot Avraham Yitzchak). All generations still have the eternal Mitzvah of Torah study (Bnei Yissachar). In Judaism we differentiate between different levels of Torah study. The first concept is called PSHAT where we only study on a more or less superficial level. However, our task is to internalize the inner meaning of Torah and Halachot.

During Shacharit (the morning prayer service) we add three additional readings: The Ten Commandments (Aseret HaDibrot), the famous poetic AKDAMOT prayer (written by Rabbi Meir ben Yitzchak in the 11th century) and the Book of Ruth (Megillat Ruth).
Akadamot tells us in a very poetic way about G – d's creation of the world until the World to Come (Olam HaBah). The verses are written according to the Hebrew alphabet and each sentence is being answered with the word TA. TA consists of the letters Aleph and a Tav standing for the first and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Symbolically, the word TA represents the whole Torah and that its study is endless.

The Book of Ruth was written by Shmuel HaNavi (the prophet Samuel), as it says in the Gemara in Talmud Bava Batra 14b. But why do we read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot ? 
Ruth was an ancestress of King David and he was born and died on Shavuot. It says that only Zaddikim (righteous people) die on their birthday. Ruth was one of the most important converts to Judaism and, therefore, Shavuot is also the day of the converts.
His whole life, King David had to suffer from bad comments of other people, as his ancestor was a Moabite and not a born Jew.

Background: The Moabites and the Ammonites (today's Jordan) came from the illicit relations between Lot and his two daughters after they fled from Sodom. Both daughters had intercourse with their father and both bore a boy. One was called Ammon and the other was called Mo Av. The Mishna in Yevamot 76b teaches that Jews are not allowed to marry male Ammonites or Moabites but marrying a female is allowed. According to this Mishna, Ruth and Boaz had a legal marriage and there should not have been any gossip or doubt about King David's Jewishness. However, all his life, King David suffered from false accusations and I think that if he entered the Rabbanut (chief rabbinate) today, the rabbis might throw him out as well.

Nevertheless, the Meschiach is coming from a Moabite. Who would have thought that, as one might assume that the Meschiach is coming from a perfect family.

But not only King David died on Shavuot. On Leil Shavuot, Erev Shavuot, the great founder of the chassidut, the Baal Shem Tov died. Therefore, many Chassidic groups celebrate his Yahrzeit with certain events. Especially chassidut very much emphasizes the Tikun on the night of Shavuot. Reading certain prayers and Kavanah (concentration) helps us reaching higher levels and connect the spiritual worlds with our physical world.

All over the world, thousands of Jews will stay awake and learn through the whole night. Especially in Jerusalem, people like going to different shiurim (classes). Most synagogues and religious programmes offer different classes. Daily newspapers already started publishing many addresses for Torah study on Shavuot. Classes are free of charge and light refreshments will be served. At about 4am, people will start walking to the Western Wall (Kotel) in order to pray Shacharit. Every year, it is a great experience seeing the sun rising over the Tempel Mount.

Chag Sameach – Have a great holiday & Shabbat Shalom !


The haredi world on Shavuot and Parashat BaMidbar


The English edition of the weekly haredi magazine "MISHPACHA". It goes without saying that Shavuot is one of the most mentioned topics in this week's edition. Especially all kinds of dairy foods. Furthermore, the magazine brings a report about a German convert called Chaya Nechama. 

Another huge subject is the future of Chassidut Vishnitz in Bnei Brak (near Tel Aviv). Years ago, the two brother of the old Vishnitzer Rebbe started fighting about leadership and the group split. Each brother took some of the followers with him. Just recently, the old Rebbe passed away and the brothers announced a sudden unity.

Photos: Miriam Woelke

Real estate prices in Zfat (Safed)

 Zfat (Safed)

Making Aliyah (immigration) to Zfat (Safed) in northern Israel has become a real fashion among religious American Jewry. Whether Carlebacher, Breslover, Lubavitcher or others, lots of American Jews have discovered the "Zfat Spirituality". Not only that but the small town located on top of a hill, approx. 30 km away from Tiberias, still offers affordable housing and lower costs of living. 

I wrote a few times about the subject in the past. At the moment, I am actually in Zfat for a few days. Arriving this Monday, I will be heading back to Jerusalem for Shabbat and Shavuot tomorrow morning. Many of you may be interested in the latest estate prices in Zfat, as you are planning to buy or rent a place. As I said many times before, you should not forget reality by only looking at the spiritual side. Yes, Zfat is a nice small town with a great welcoming English speaking community. However, there are also plenty of Israelis living in town and not everyone speaks English. Moreover, Zfat is surrounded by a few Arab villages and the Zfat Academy in the old city has far more Arab students than Jewish ones. Those Arab students have been trying moving into town and local Jewish landlords rented out apartments to them. Arab students are willing to pay more rent than Israelis and usually put the cash on the table. Jewish landlords in Zfat went for this until local Rabbis and residents started protesting. Now greedy landlords think twice to whom they are renting out apartments. Nevertheless, the situation between Jews and local Arabs is still tense. I was told that Jewish residents don't really want to use the city park anymore, as the park is located next to the Academy. Arab students are hanging around in the park and Jewish mothers don't want to sit there with their kids anymore. Too dangerous.

Another problem in Zfat is the terrible employment situation. No jobs, no infrastructure. A Shearim reader suggested that the municipality should create job but this isn't that easy. Factories and other companies prefer settling at the coastal area and not somewhere in the middle of nowhere on a hilltop. In case it is you planning thinking about Aliyah to Zfat, do not forget the employment situation ! Too many Americans have done this so far and are now offering their services as "spiritual healers", "spiritual artists" or by looking for an income by renting out guest rooms or working as estate agents ripping off other Americans. 

Once your Nefesh be Nefesh money is gone, then what ? How are you going to support yourself in a place like Zfat ? Always have this in mind and be realistic about it. 

Market only once a week: Every Wednesday, the Zfat residents stream to the market. On other weekdays they but at the local supermarkets.

Yesterday I was passing a real estate office in the old city and had a look at the latest offers. Apartments in the old city are up to 1,000,000 Shekels (approx. 250,000 $). I even saw apartments to sell for 2,500,000 or more Shekels. Especially in the old city, estate prices are skyrocketing and rents are up too. If you want to rent something affordable, have a look at apartment offers in the southern part of Zfat. There you find the cheapest apartments. The neighbourhoods are not as nice as in the old city but prices are pretty reasonable. A friend of mine from Zfat added that you should also consider the education issue. Where are your kids going to school when the Hebrew language is required ?

Zfat is definitely not New York and not everyone is made to live here. More than a year ago, I was thinking about moving here or to Tiberias but this kind of life simply wasn't for me. Too far away from everything and if you want to see "civilization", you need to go to Haifa ( a two - hour bus ride from Zfat). 

Despite spirituality, the Kabbalah, a great functioning community, you should still consider all kinds of options and issues before making your final decision. 

 For sale: A four - room - apartment in the old city, nice neighbourhood and fixed rooms for 1,100,000 Shekels (250,000 $). The number below is the cellphone number of the agent. 

 Further estate offers and place available to rent. Just to give you an idea.

Photos: Miriam Woelke

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The medieval side of Zfat (Safed)


How did the great Kabbalists, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Rabbi Moshe Alshich and many others live ? For several centuries, parts of Zfat have been repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes. However, a small part of the medieval part is still existing in the old city. Here are a few photos in order to give you an impression:

Medieval ruins and today's tour buses streaming in (see on the top on the right)

Photos: Miriam Woelke

Getting dark in Zfat (Safed)


It just got dark in Zfat (northern Israel) and here are some great pictures:

Right side in the background: View to the mountains of Meron.

The shopping street Rehov Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Street)

The Chabad (Lubavitch) center in Rehov Yerushalayim. Here, the Meshichistim reside.

Photo: Miriam Woelke

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rosh Chodesh SIVAN – ראש חודש סיון


Today, the Jewish world was celebrating Rosh Chodesh SIVAN, the beginning of the new Jewish month Sivan. 

Every beginning of a new Jewish month also stands for a new beginning in our lives. Anyway, when you would like to change something significant in your life, you don’t have to wait until the next Rosh Chodesh but should start right away.:-)

The kabbalistic “Sefer Yetzirah – The Book of Creation” teaches that every Jewish month has its own Hebrew letter, human organ, Jewish tribe, horoscope and sense.

The Letter is the ZAIN ז. Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet also expresses a number and Zain represents the number 7. In Judaism, the number seven expresses something complete. G – d created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day when the world was complete. Not perfect but complete.

The Jewish tribe is the tribe of Zevulon. The members of this tribe used to be successful businessmen and thus supported the tribe of Yissachar with financial aid. Yissachar studied Torah and Zevulon worked and thus took care of Yissachar.

The human organ is the left foot and the sense is walking. Walking stands for progress and dynamic actions. We are constantly moving into the direction of Torah.

The horoscope is Gemini representing Aharon and Moshe.

The holiday of Sivan is Shavuot. The day G – d gave the Torah to the Jews on Mount Sinai. We are going to celebrate Shavuot from next Tuesday night until Wednesday night. Those Jews living in the Diaspora mostly keep a second day of Shavuot – Thursday. However, I have seen at least one German community where there is a tradition of keeping Shavuot only for one day. 

Chodesh Tov – A great, healthy and successful Sivan to all of you !!!!

Shavuot is NOW


Right after this Shabbat ends, the Jewisg holiday of SHAVUOT is starting. SHAVUOT stands for WEEKS. Why WEEKS ? 

With the holiday of Pessach, the Jews are entering a seven – week – cycle called the OMER PERIOD. For those seven weeks, we are counting the Omer and the counting is complete on Shavuot. 

In Judaism, the number 7 always stands for completion. Something is ready, complete and perfect. Just look at the creation of the world and G – d resting on the seventh day. His creation was complete and so is the Omer cycle on Shavuot. 

Furthermore, SHAVUOT also means OATHS. At Mount Sinai, the Jews gave the oath of living according to the Torah. Those of you who have some Talmudic knowledge: There is a Talmudic Tractate called SHAVUOT dealing with all different kinds of OATHS. 

More than 3000 years ago, the Jews received the Torah directly from G – d. However, the festival of Shavuot is not just another anniversary of this particular event. Until today the Jewish task is to relive the giving of the Torah. It is our duty on Shavuot to undergo the same excitement as our ancestors did at Har Sinai. It is not only them in the past receiving the Torah but each of us has to do the same today. I and you have to receive the same Torah again and again. We have to receive the Torah for ourselves. 

 The Torah as well as the Talmud Tractate Sotah 9 ff. teach that the Jews had to prepare themselves in order to receive the Torah. They had to cleanse their bodies but they also had to undergo a spiritual cleansing. 

The question is: How do we prepare ourselves for the upcoming Shavuot ? I went to Zfat in northern Israel until Friday morning. For Shabbat and the holiday I will be back in Jerusalem. However, does my brief vacation in Zfat stand for a perfect Shavuot preparation ? The answer is that I haven’t really started preparing anything. I may tomorrow, as then I am planning a visit at the grave of the ARI (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, 1534 – 1572). 

Each of us is experiencing a different preparation. I am already happy to be in Zfat. Breathing some clean air, having a religious atmosphere and seeing some holy sites. There is no PERFECT preparation but each of us should take some time, sit down and think about how he is going to approach Shavuot. Not only Jews but maybe also Gentiles. The latter having the "Seven Noachide Laws" in mind.