
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photos from the EICHMANN Exhibition in Tel Aviv


I suppose that I don't need to explain too much about the SS - murderer Adolf Eichmann. Tomorrow, 31 May 2012, will be the 50th anniversary of his execution in the Israeli town of Ramle (near Tel Aviv) taking place in 1962. Two years before (in 1960) and also in May, Adolf Eichmann was captured by Mossad agents and transferred from Buenos Aires (Argentina) to Israel. In April 1961, the "Eichmann Trial" started in Jerusalem. Germany didn't like it too much hearing that a high ranking SS officer is standing trial in the Jewish State of Israel. Who knows what secrets Eichmann could reveal. Stories about his old Nazi colleagues. Many of those colleagues were never taken to court and now (in 1961) kept high position in Germany's economical as well as political world.

For the first time, the Mossad is publishing documents as well as Eichmann belongings he carried when he was captured. From the beginning of February until 20 April this year, a special exhibition was taking place at the “Beit HaTefuzot – Diaspora Museum” in Tel Aviv. I went to see it, paid 15 Shekels (approx. 4 Dollar) entrance fee and was allowed to take pictures. Because of allowing me to take photos I would like to give lots of credit to the “Beit HaTefuzot" ! 

The Eichmann exhibition was taking place in two rooms. Lots of documents and items were on display. Most items are belongings of the Mossad describing the capture of the Nazi officer. A suitcase full of faked Argentinian license platese or the passports of the Mossad agents. One of the agents entered Argentina with false passport and name "Ze'ev Zichroni". Later on, he left the country under a different name and passport. In the meantime, Eichmann was captured and his photo was put into the false passport. This way, Eichmann got a faked Israeli passport with the name "Ze'ev Zichroni". He was claimed being a crew member of Israel's ELAL Airline and this way smuggled out of Argentina. The needle drugging Eichmann during the trip is also on display. Also on display: The bullet proofed box where Eichmann was sitting during his trial (see picture below). 

Copyright / Photo: Miriam Woelke

 Part of the exhibition: The glass box from the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem

Faked Israeli passport from Eichmann. The Mossad smuggled the mass murderer out of Argentina by using the name "Ze'ev Zichroni". 

Private Eichmann items: ID - card, ID - card from his job at the German MERCEDES company in Buenos Aires. Furthermore, a cigarette holder, a comb, the keys to his home and a small pocket knife.

Copyright / Photos: Miriam Woelke



  1. In the last few weeks some Nazis, with the blood of dozens on their hands, died peacefully in bed. It is utterly disgusting how countries like Germany or Holland, but especially Israel, allowed this to happen.

  2. B"H

    Many times the disgusting political correctness is taking place too much. Who of the victims would have ever thought so when they were tortured and killed.
