
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Off Topic: On People dreaming to become successful Bloggers


I am a bit off - topic but I feel like saying something about Internet Marketing Gurus and those people following them connected with the dream of becoming a successful Blogger and a Cash Cow. 

A few days ago I read a guest post on a certain blog suggesting to others to Twitter in all kinds of languages in order to draw more readers to their blogs. But what do you do if you are not fluent in Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Finish, Polish and all those languages ? Right, you put a few stupid easy sentences into Google Translation and Copy and Paste it into Twitter. This is the whole secret of success.

I do call this a lie. Cheating on your readers for success ? As a matter of fact, too many people are not ashamed of anything anymore. Marketing Gurus always give the same advice making any looser think that he can become rich and famous within a month. Most of them start their own Internet Marketing Blog or they copy and paste content from other Blogs. 

Forget about all this SEO, social media, etc. The truth about any Blog is to deliver content. If you don't have content and cheat your readers by copy / paste or lie at them, no one wants to come back to you. 

Urghhh, Content. The Gurus also tell you this but too many Blogger don't want to work and produce content but see the money floating into their accounts. 

This mentality really gets on my nerves and there is an entire Blog (I think run by some Arab) stealing content from other Bloggers. Only stolen content in any language and from any Blogger including myself. I did complain to Blogger.Com a few times and the company deleted my content from the fake Blog. However, I am tired and sick of keep on doing this every other week. But what can I say ? This is what those famous Gurus teach new Blogger but stealing alone doesn't get you anywhere.

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