
Sunday, October 14, 2012



The world doesn't like to discuss certain topics and sometimes does anything in order to ignore facts.

The best example is the "old" but favourite subject BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

FRONTPAGE.MAG brings a report on Obama's Family

The movie 

has become a great success in the US and thousands of people have been watching it so far. The film was made by the Indian - American Dinesh D’Souza and provides information on where Obama actually comes from.

Here is an interview with D’Souza:

Pamela Geller on her site ATLAS SHRUGS offers the movie online. In parts but without download and free of charge !

Moreover the Norwegian blogger FJORDMAN alias Peder Jensen is raising the question whether poverty has caused Islamic terror. Fjordman gave up his blog a while ago but his articles on radical Islam are still online

The Norwegian police accused Peder Jensen of inspiring Anders Behring Breivik carrying out his massacre but some time later, all charges against Jensen were dropped. Furthermore, Fjordman and Breivik have never met personally and one cannot accuse a blogger of mass murder only because some lunatic makes up his own fantasies. 

Fjordman has a tremendous knowledge regarding Islam and, after the Breivik affair, into hiding. Nevertheless, he still writes articles for the FRONTPAGE.MAG on a regular basis:

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