
Monday, October 15, 2012

Rosh Chodesh MAR CHESHVAN - The beginning of the new month MAR CHESHVAN

 Sky over Jerusalem

Photo: Miriam Woelke


Tonight (Monday), tomorrow and on Wednesday is Rosh Chodesh Mar Cheshvan - the beginning of the new Jewish month "Mar Cheshvan".

A new month also stands for a new beginning in our lives. Not that we can only change to the better on Rosh Chodesh but especially this day is a kind of symbolic.

The official name of this month is CHESHVAN but, as the month doesn't include any holiday, the word MAR (bitter) was added. Cheshvan is also the month of Noach's flood.

"Sefer Yetzira - The Book of Creation" lists different characteristics for each Jewish month of the year: SCORPION is the horoscope of Cheshvan. The tribe of the month is MENASHE, the colour is PURPLE, the sense is SMELL, the organ are the INTESTINES and the letter of the month is NUN נ.

There are opinions claiming that, as Mar Cheshvan doesn't include any holiday, the month is reserved for Meshiach and his building of the Third Temple.

Let us hope that this may be the case today !

"Chodesh Tov - Have a great month !"

1 comment:

  1. The name Marcheshvan comes from Akkadian and means "eighth month"
