
Friday, July 13, 2007

Miriam' s well found ?


A weekly haredi paper claims that Miriam's well might be found very soon. At least that there is a great possibility.

According to the Arizal (Shaar HaGilgulim), Miriam's well is hidden in the middle of the Kinneret at Tiberias. However, he does not give any exact location in the book.
His famous student, Rabbi Chaim Vital, did publish writings while he was living in Damascus.
He claimed that once he traveled together with the Arizal to Tiberias and they went down to the Kinneret. They were in the middle of the lake, right across an old synagogue. The Arizal took water out of the lake and gave it Rabbi Vital to drink.
Then the Arizal said to Rabbi Vital that at the moment you drink this water, your chochma will be on its highest point. This is the water which our ancestors drank in the desert.
Rabbi Vital said that afterwards his level of chochma was at its peak.

Now, the ruins of an ancient synagogue have been discovered, and it might be that same one, Rabbi Vital was talking about. We will see...

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