
Friday, July 13, 2007

New Digs on Har HaBait


Who does not remember the wild riots a few months ago ? Israel was accused of digging underneath the Har HaBait (Temple Mount) and thus destroying "holy" Muslim sights.

After an earthquake about three years ago, the bridge leading from the Western Wall (Kotel) up to the Temple Mount fell apart.
Then a few months ago, Israel started building a new bridge and Muslim riots started right away. The Muslims were claiming that Israel is trying to conquer the Temple Mount and throw the Muslims out. As ususal, the worldwide press and many people were against us.
One Friday afternoon, the Muslims started riots while they were praying. They threw stones and anything they could get hold of at Israeli soldiers. Later they claimed that the Israeli army had provoked them and had locked them up in the Al - Aksa - Mosque.
Well, I was on top of the steps leading down to the Kotel and I could see Palestinians throwing stones and running around freely. No one was locked up.

Some days ago, the Palestinians started a dig leading from the northern site of the Temple Mount to the Dome of the Rock. They got the permission from the Israeli police. However, no one ever asked archeologists or other authorities, as there might be a danger that now the Palestinians try to destroy remains of the Beit HaMikdash. It would not be the first time, by the way.

Now, no one outside Israel is protesting, no BBC and CNN are showing up. In other words, no one gives a .... when the Palestinians do something against the Temple Mount. I am sure that no one of you even knows about the new digs.

In the meantime, Israel finished building the bridge.

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