
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Forbidden Participation


Today Israel remembers its fallen soldiers and terror victims. "Yom HaZikaron - Remembrance Day" is always a hard day for us and feelings differ a lot from last weeks' "Holocaust Day - Yom HaShoah". Maybe because Yom HaZikaron is more present to us. Terror is still a danger we face in our daily lives.

Tonight our 60th Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma'ut) is about to start. And "Yom HaAtzma'ut will be euphorically celebrated. Parties and flags everywhere and Tel Aviv has a great light show to offer.

But, as I mentioned in former articles, not everyone in Israel is celebrating. Last night when I passed the Ge'ulah neighbourhood, I read the latest messages (Fakshivilim) of the anti - Zionist umbrella organization "Edah HaCharedit". And, of course, anyone can imagine that the Edah is not having a big party but the message rather sounds like a great fast.

The Edah announces that its members should pray certain Tehillim (Psalms). Any participation in Zionist celebrations / activities are forbidden and none of the Edah - Chassidim should identify with them. Pray to G - d that He will recognize that the anti - Zionists have nothing to do with the law breaking Zionists. The Edah & Co. keep G - d's oaths (see Talmud Ketubot 111 ff.) and don't identify at all with the present Zionist state.

I am not judging anyone for celebrating or not celebrating tonight's Independence Day but I just hope that the Neturei Karta is not going to burn Israeli flags in Mea Shearim or elsewhere. Okay, you don't have to agree to the State of Israel but don't burn flags.

I have never been a great Independence Day celebrating person but this time, I am planning to see the light shows and parties in Tel Aviv. Jerusalem has less to offer although there are huge concerts at Zion Square tonight. But I simply feel like seeing something else and, after all, being at the beach is not too bad.

Chag Sameach - Happy Independence Day - to all of you !!!

It would be great if everybody respected each other; those Jews who do celebrate the State of Israel and those who do not agree to it. At least we should be glad that there is a Jewish state and that we have a place to go to. How many Jews throughout history dreamt about a place where Jews can live freely and not being prosecuted ?

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