Last weeks' edition of the haredi paper "HaShavua Be'Yerushalaim - This week in Jerusalem" included a rather rare article. Normally, the paper is litvish but with a few chassidic articles and pictures. However, you can hardly find anything mentioned about anti - Zionism.
And now we just saw the opposite. A journalist participated in a meeting between one of the Neturei Karta heads in Mea Shearim, Yoelish Kroiz (35), and the former Edah HaCharedit member and famous student of Rabbi Amram Blau (Bloi), Yehudah Meshi Zahav (48). The article not about an interview but rather a report about a discussion between the two "celebreties".
Kroiz and Zahav met and had something interesting to say. Interesting but not new.
Yoelish Kroiz, for instance, calls the present Iranian president not an anti - Semite but a person hating the State of Israel. And doesn’t the Neturei Karta also rejects the Zionist State ? Isn't there anything in common ? And shouldn't the UN reign over Israel and decide about its future ? At least until Meshiach comes.
Yoelish Kroiz has never left Israel and refuses until today the possession of an Israeli ID (Te'udat Zehut). He is proud of it because it shows that he has absolutely nothing to do with the Zionists.
But why is everyone talking about the Neturei Karta ? The public seems to show lots of interest.
Only due to gossip about some nuts who live in their own limited world and don't face reality ?
Yoelish Kroiz mentions a very interesting and correct point. Every Haredi has a place in his heart where there is some Neturei Karta to be found. One might not say it out loud but who doesn't sometimes think about Talmud Ketubot 111 and if the anti - Zionists are not right. Maybe everything is true and we shouldn't have our own state.
More and more Jews don't really see a reason for the present State of Israel. Israelis are simply fed up with their corrupt and criminal government. A state - YES, but not with such loonies as Olmert & Co. Who needs them anyway ?
Corruption, dependency on the US and crime ? Is it this what the secular state has to offer us ?
Where are G - d and religion ?
Locked up in a drawer because political influence and corruption are more important.
Even on many rabbis one cannot rely anymore. Today many rabbis are only interested in themselves and gather their won little group around themselves.
Yehudah Meshi Zahav and Yoelish Kroiz are missing the good old days. Where are the times when the most famous anti - Zionist, Rabbi Amram Blau, organized wild euphoric demonstrations in Mea Shearim and Bar Ilan Street ? Yeah, let's beat up the Zionist police and show them who really is the greatest of all Zionists.
Today even the Edah HaCharedit is against demonstrations; just the opposite with the Neturei Karta, as they are still active. According to Kroiz, the Neturei Karta is the military force of the Edah.
I am just asking myself if the Edah HaCharedit would be prepared to confirm this.
And the demonstrations ?
I have already noticed a long time ago that there is hardly any participation. Of course, the Mea Shearim Fakshivilim (posters) call for gatherings against Zionist activities. But be honest ? Who really shows up today ?
The masses rather stay at home. Maybe a few hundred still show up and this is already a great success.
Despite all the negative changes, Yehudah Meshi Zahav and Yoelish Kroiz see a new euphoric future coming up. The solution should be the youth. Young people have to have the right education and then everything might change for the better. What "better" ?
Back on the road and fighting the Zionists ?
Let's wait another 60 years and wait what is happening.
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