
Friday, June 13, 2008

Chassidic Sounds near the Beach


Religious Jerusalemites love to look down on secular Tel Aviv and gossip. What's in Tel Aviv and who could live among all the leftists and secular ? It is rather like Sodom and Gomorrha.

But people let me tell you - It is not so. G - d is also in a place like Tel Aviv and there are actually many good people here.

When I tell the story about what happened to me a few hours ago, you might think that I am completely out of my mind. Nevertheless, it is a true story and it shows that Tel Aviv is not lost.

I was on my way to the Carmel Market near the beach when I decided to sit down in a small but very nice park for a few minutes. I sat down on a bench and suddenly noticed chassidic music coming from a certain building. Someone played a tape and everyone could hear the music through loudspeakers. I already had a thought but wanted to be sure. I walked around the building which turned out to be a synagogue. And whose synagogue ?
Chabad, of course.
As it looks very nice, I spontaneously decided to come back for Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night service). I always love it so see something new.

For tomorrow, I am planning to go to Bnei Brak but who knows. Maybe I will end up with Chabad.....

Shabbat Shalom to everyone and to those of you who don't know what to do tonight:
Just go into a park and hopefully you will hear chassidic music. Or to say it in Chabad - language: Even a place like Tel Aviv can be elevated !!!!!


  1. Its interesting the decent Jerusalemites have of Tel Avivians since not so long ago their families all lived in Tel Aviv during the war.

    HaRav Chaskel Besser of Radomsk's biography "The Rebbe of 84th St." speaks of living in Tel Aviv in the 40's and seeing the Ger and Belz Rebbes all the time.

    Last time I was at the Tel Aviv Bus Station though, Oy. Pork Market to the left and Prostitute Bordello to the right.

    Good Shabbos!

  2. B"H

    That's right.
    When I came to Israel for the first time in 1987, the old Central Bus Station was already a total mess. And now it i even worse. Pork, protitution and foreign workers everywhere.

    But not only that. Jerusalemites especially look at the open shops on Shabbat, half - naked people going to the beach and not too many Jews keeping Shabbat.

    However, many times, all the reasons don't apply to everyone and sometimes even the Jerusalemites might be surprised.

    Shavua Tov !!!
