Religious Jews constantly talk about the Ge'ulah (Redemption) and Meshiach (Messiah) but how many of them are really aware of the Jewish Meshiach concept ?
Other religions believe in different aspects of a Meshiach concept. The strange thing is that other religions never deal with the Jewish concept. What are the conditions for accepting someone as the Meshiach ? And what is going to change in the future after his arrival ? Why have others claiming to be the long expected Meshiach never been accepted ? Why was the Christian figure J. never accepted ?
The Rambam (Maimonides) writes in his Mishna Torah (Hilchot Melachim 11:1) that it was Judaism teaching the Meshiach concept to the nations. Thus, at least, the idol worshipping nations learned about the G – d "Yud – Keh – Vav – Keh). In Midrashic literature it says that after the arrival of the Meshiach, other nations will say that they knew about the Meshiach idea but their ancestors interpreted it wrong and thus gave them the wrong information.
The following explanations are mostly based on the Talmud but do include some Prophet writings as well. Those who are planning to study the Book of Prophets should either have the Hebrew original texts or a precise translation. Most translations are wrong and thus, misinterpretations and false concepts come up all the time. The best example is the Book of Yechezkel (Ezekiel). Whoever doesn't understand its symbolic metaphoric language and hasn't studied the commentaries (Talmud Chagigah, Sanhedrin, etc.), might get some strange ideas about the context.
I am exclusively presenting the Jewish point of view without explaining other religions views.
The Gemara (rabbinic discussions) in Talmud Sanhedrin 97 teaches that before the Meshiach is coming, different events are going to take place. Nothing happens at once but in stages. After the Meshiach's arrival, two more stages are going to take place: the "Resurrection of the Death" and the "Day of Judgment". However, first I am writing about the issue of Meshiach. When exactly is he coming and how do we recognize him ?
The Gemara in Sanhedrin 97a as well as in Sotah 49b gives a description about the time right before Meshiach:
- In some parts of the world, people are starving and in other parts, people are rich.
- The wisdom of the Torah will be almost forgotten.
- Morality doesn't count too much anymore and everyone does what he wants. Younger people don't show respect to older people or to their parents.
- The generations is completely corrupt and no one says the truth anymore.
- There are going to be wars between the Jews (Israel) and other nations.
The Talmud commentator Maharsha said that the Jews will finally come to the conclusion that their only hope is G – d and that they should rather do Teshuva (repent). Historically, this already happened once – in the times of Esther and Mordechai. Throughout the centuries, people used to claim that there are signs showing that the Meshiach is on his way. And if you look into the Talmud you will realize that the listed events preceding the coming of Meshiach could fit into any time period. Don’ we have wars with the nations ? Isn't there hunger all over the world ?
The Rambam (Maimonides) writes in his Mishna Torah (Hilchot Melachim 12:2) that nobody knows for sure what will happen after Meshiach's arrival. The Prophets used hidden hints and our commentators can do nothing except discussing certain interpretations and ideas. Precise details are unknown to us.
G – d created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. These six days represent 6000 years and it says in Talmud Sanhedrin 97a that our world is going to exit for 6000 years (6000 years according to the Jewish calendar). The Gemara also divides these 6000 years into three time periods:
The first 2000 years are the years of Tohu (Chaos). Later, Avraham was born and the following 2000 years were the years of Torah. The last 2000 years, however, are the years of the Ge'ulah (Redemption) and thus the coming of the Meshiach. And we are living in those last 2000 years. The Hebrew year is now 5768.
The Gemara in Sanhedrin 97a and many other commentators have different opinions about the events taking place towards the year 6000. There are those who see a partial destruction coming and there are those who don't see any of this kind. If there was a destruction, then Meshiach would be coming. Whatever, the commentator Me'iri has a wonderful explanation: The complete destruction is only to be seen as a metaphor and the real meaning is that pogroms are going to take place. A further explanation of the Me'iri: A total destruction could also mean that the Yetzer HaRah (the evil side in each of us) is destroying us. According to the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Second World War already was the predicted destruction and thus represents the war between Gog and Magog.
Each generation has a potential Meshiach. However, we and himself don't know anything about it and no one can claim that he is the Meshiach. If G – d considers a certain generation worthy of having the Meshiach, He would reveal him. The Gemara in Sanhedrin continues with speculations about the arrival. I don't want to list all the speculations because I do agree with the opinion that we should patiently wait and not getting lost in all the speculations. Usually someone is coming when you don't expect him and it is probably the same with Meshiach. There are opinions claiming that we have to count different Shemittah or Yovel years but personally I regard this as a waste of time. There even exists and opinion that if we are getting lost in too many speculations, Meshiach is going to delay his arrival (see Sanhedrin 97a and the Maharsha).
So, when exactly are we seen as worthy receiving the Meshiach ? The Gemara in Sanhedrin 97 ff. lists different opinions. One of them is, of course, that we should return to G – d. When the Jews return to G – d, they will find mercy (Sanhedrin 97b). If they don't return, G – d could force them by giving them a hard time in order to make them repent. It says in Malachi 3:7: First the people have to return to G – d and then G – d will return to them and redeem them. Furthermore, it says in Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) 3:14: G – d can force the people to return to Him. Even if they don't want the Meshiach, they cannot stop his arrival.
Ramban (Nachmanides), Rashi and the Maharsha said that G – d Himself has a firm date for Meshiach's arrival but the date is unknown to us humans.
The Jews can return to G – d voluntarily and G – d can force them to do so.
Part 2 will be following soon !!!!
Wow...it is true...if we open our eyes and dare to see what is happening around us, perhaps, we will see that the world has given in to the evil inside of every one of us. G-D promised never to destroy man kind after the great flood. The evil streak, globally, greed, has brought upon us global warming. Scientist have calculated that in thirty to forty years, the planet climate will change affecting millions and eventually billions. The timing coincides with the 6000th year of the jewish calender. The present year 5678 !!!! Coincidence...? Perhaps, or maybe not.
ReplyDeleteG-d has managed to keep the biggest secret, the Black light,(ISLAM) hidden. The kabalah says where is no light there is darkness. The darkness is black light but the darkness is wrongly interpeted as evil. What I am trying to say is that mankind is busy fighting a ancient war between black light and white light instead of realizing that both are part of G-D, and the purpose is to overcome the evil streak, Hate, and achieve peace.
Then, can they focus on preventing the gradual destuction of the current world civilization. A worthy reward for swapping hate for love.
This will be achieved by the nation of Israel when they will feel the fear of G-d and reddeem.
Then shall they be judged with all of mankind.
The truth that occurs every new day shall gradually reveal G-ds final sentance for mankind. The fate of mankind is in you hands...
May you feel the spirit of G-d and over come your yezer rah, compassion, mercy, love, and most important, see the TRUTH, even if it breaks your heart.
ReplyDeleteI am not so familiar with black and white lights but in Judaism we have the concept that G - d stored the hidden light (kabbalistic expression: Or Ein Sof) away until the times of Meshiach.
His hidden light appears in the first days of creation when it says that there was light. However, light was only created a few days later (sun and moon). So, how could there have been light on the first day ?
This was G - d hidden light Or Ein Sof. Today we can only find it by studying Torah.
Shalom Miriam,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, when I make reference to light, I mean the spirit of G-D.
It is not the light and darkness we witness in our world of physics, but the actual frabric that our Master, HASHEM, is comporimised of.
Out of Garden of EDEN(Grand ALLAH)
,Black light and white light where born.
Cain and Abel. We know Cain killed Abel. Only the black light was left. From Black light, was white light again reborn, thus marking all man kind with the Marc of Cain. Desire. Just as our Master,(HASHEM)(guilty).
Hope that explains....
Shavua Tov....