
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kidnapped by the Zionist police


I am late but nevertheless, I am letting you know it:

Last week, 40 so - called Sikarikim got arrested by the police. All of them were sitting on a bus going to Meron - to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochais grave when their bus was stopped and the police question the passengers.

The main goal was to have a demonstration at the grave in Meron and letting everyone know how "evil" the Chief Rabbi of the Kotel (Western Wall), Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, is.

However, it looks like Rabbi Rabinovich knew about the plan because he informed the police who stopped the demonstrators.

Last Shabbat, the Pakshivilim (news posters) again screamed from all the walls in Mea Shearim:

40 Kidnapped by the Zionist Police !!!
The criminal Rabinovitch declared war !!!


So, what now, Rabbi Rabinovitch ?
Why couldn't you just let those 40 guys demonstrate instead of showing your power and good connections to Israeli politicians and police ? You "impressed" everyone so much that now Mea Shearim is screaming for war ? Couldn't you find another proper solution before the high holidays ?

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