What was happening in Mea Shearim on the last Shabbat of 5768 ?
For Kabbalat Shabbat last Friday night, I went, as usual, to Karlin - Stolin in Yoel Street. The men's side downstairs was packed, the women's side … well, we were about four or five women. There wasn't too much space anyway at the Ezrat Nashim (women's side), as the whole space was filled out with benches. All set up for the upcoming high holidays.
The greatest worry of all chassidic group is space and where to put all the members during the synagogue service. Outsiders are often not accepted for the service and they have to look for places somewhere else. Especially the Toldot Aharon are very limited and at the moment, it is extremely hard to be an outsider. At least unless you decide to dress up as one of them and pretend something.
When I walked with a friend of mine to the great Toldot Aharon Synagogue the same night, we were turned down. A female member of the group was standing in the middle of the entrance and that was it. She was the bouncer and I asked her about what is going on. "Members only" - that was going on.
I wished her a "Shana Tova - Happy New Year" and we left. I really have to admit that the Toldot Aharon have the best bouncer women. And I have some experience there.
The woman on Friday night looked great in her traditional white apron and there was no way of getting around her.
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